Pisti Revealed

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Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a while- just got back from a competition! I'm not going to do a Chaos Comment today, so I'll just get right into the story!

Percy POV

Alpha and I made sure not to walk away from Annabeth too quickly. Alpha had already told me that it was an urgent matter.

"Dude, Annabeth suspects something," Alpha warned me when we were out of earshot.

"You think I don't know that?" I snapped, then regretted my words. "Sorry. It's just... talking with her..."

Alpha clapped a hand to my shoulder. "I understand."

"Anyway, you're right. I'll have to do something make her start doubting," I murmured.

"My question is, what does she suspect?"

"The obvious. She thinks I'm Percy."

"Probably," Alpha agreed, "but that may not be true."

"Either way, I'm going to have to throw her off balance somehow," I contemplated. "But how?"

Alpha gave me one of those annoying "duh" glares. "Simple. Use two of your powers in one sitting. Make them guess at who you really are. Who your parent really is."

I sniffed. "Why are you so smart?"

"'Cause I'm awesome," Alpha shot back.

"Are not!" I shoved him, nearly knocking him over.

"You're so getting it, Mega Kid!" Alpha shouted, laughing as he started chasing me around camp. Let me tell you, when we ran by some of the campers, their expressions were priceless! I guess they didn't know that this seemingly alien person could actually have fun.

One person I recognized that we ran past was Jason. Calling him by his actual name was risky, since it would put thoughts into his mind as to how I could know him, but then again, I could use him to my advantage. I decided to do it. "Hi, Jason!"

Jason gawked as I ran toward him. "How-"

I stopped and hid behind him, breathless. "Close your mouth. You look like you're about to become a gargoyle."

"But how do you know me?" he stuttered.

Casually leaning against him as if we were close, which technically we were, I raised an eyebrow. "My dear boy, I know absolutely everything. If I didn't, then how could I be Chaos' heir?"

Jason stared. "You forgot to mention that during the meeting. You only mentioned that you worked for Chaos."

"Oops." I grinned cheesily, though inwardly I was kicking myself for my stupid mistake. I hadn't wanted the campers to find out so soon. "Oh, well. I guess you know now." Alpha came running up the path and I let out a squeak. "Save me, Jason!"

Jason was still a bit disoriented by my news, but being the levelheaded demigod I knew , he quickly accepted everything and played along, stepping aside to reveal me to Alpha. "Sorry, bro. Can't let myself miss the fun."

The world halted around me. Our quest together came back to me, when we'd nearly had to kill each other. But instead, we had merely said, "I'd have to kill my bro." Would Jason notice if I responded in the same way?

"Seriously, bro, you're not helping," I shouted, diving for cover.

He noticed. Jason's mind was clearly at work, the memories churning in his mind.

Then Alpha rammed into me. "Aw, man," I groaned. "You really need to lose some weight, dude."

"Nah," Alpha responded. "It's just my muscles. You need to work out, Mega Kid."

"Get off!" Shoving Alpha off isn't exactly easy. However, being Omega, I was able to do it. After a bit of struggle, I managed to get Alpha off and stand. "Watch what you say, Alphie. I'm just as strong as you are."

Alpha gave me a fine salute, his sign of an apology, which I accepted with a slight nod.

Then Jason. He was still gazing at me as if I was an alien from the Sun. "Per-"

I had to act. I stepped over to Jason and clapped a hand over his mouth. If he spoke my name, the quest was over then and there. I gave a discreet shake of my head and held a finger to my lips. "I'll explain later, Jason, but don't tell a soul who I am."

He nodded beneath my hand, and I released him. "But you will tell me?"

"When I make a promise, I keep it."

Alpha smiled. "That's one thing you can count on about Omega. No matter how he does it, he always keeps his promises."

Footsteps approached us, running quickly. Pisti appeared on the path, heading toward us. She skidded to a halt in front of me. "Why didn't you come? I've got important news!"

"Sorry." I cleared my throat. "I was busy getting a certain friend off my tail."

Pisti glanced at Alpha. "Really?" She ignored him and turned back to me. "Chaos is coming."

I froze. "Excuse me?"

She tilted her head. "Are you going deaf?"

"No, it's just... he's coming here?"


What happened next no one could explain. We don't know why it happened, or how, or if someone magically forced it to happen.

Pisti's mask slipped off, and she was revealed to the whole camp.

Everybody knew who she was.


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