Home Again

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Percy POV

It took a while for me to adjust to the fact that I was once again Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, yet also Omega Kidemonas, heir of Chaos and Order. Annabeth had insisted on calling me "Mega Kid" like Alpha did, which did not help my annoyance level.

Zeus, Athena, and everyone else had wanted me to introduce the Army members, but I had firmly established the fact that they were not to be revealed until I said so- and that was not until every person from both camps was assembled where they could see us.

Most of the demigods had not been at the throne room meeting. I had managed to keep those that did go from spewing my little secret all over the place and ruining my surprise uncovering. Actually, I had managed to silence them with a bargain: they keep quiet, and I would show not only myself to the other demigods, but also every single person in the Army, and after that, I would allow them to ask me anything.

They definitely agreed.

At last, with the help of Chiron and many others, I had managed to gather everyone together inside the training arena, where all sat in seats except for the Army and me.

Now it was time.

Hundreds of faces gazed at me expectantly. My throat closed up at the thought of finally being back home with my friends.

Chiron motioned for quiet. The whispers floating around the arena stilled, and Chiron gave me the floor.

I cleared my throat. "I'd have to do this either way, since some already know who hides behind this mask. So I'm here to reveal myself to you. I know there are going to be a lot of various reactions, but please, just don't interrupt until I'm finished, okay?"

There were a lot of nods, smiles, claps.

"Actually, I would like to uncover myself last."

"What do you mean, last?" a voice shouted. I zeroed in on Reyna. "I was informed that it would be only you who revealed yourself."

"Then you were wrongly informed," I stated. "The Army have decided that they wish to show themselves as well." I fluttered my wings, the wind from the feathers blowing beneath my half-mask. Admitting it to myself made it somewhat better; I was nervous. Scared. Honestly, it was because I had no idea what I was getting myself into. There was no telling what reactions I would get.

Reyna raised one stately eyebrow. "Very well, then. I suppose it would be better that way. We will know now who we are becoming friends with."

I nearly laughed at how close that sentence had come to our conversation in the throne room of Olympus. "I suppose we'll start with Fonias, also known as Tau."

Fonias stepped forward, his mouth open, but I held up a hand. "Wait." He did. "Some of these soldiers may be familiar to you," I stated. That announcement caused a ripple of surprise to run through the campers. "Feel free to come down and greet them at any time. However, just make sure to keep it quiet enough so that the others can introduce themselves." I turned back to Fonias. "Now you may speak."

Fonias squared his shoulders. He was taller than anyone else in the Army, towering nearly a head over me. As his gaze swept around the room, he said, "I was given the code name of Fonias, meaning Slayer. My commander gave it to me, saying that I was indeed a slayer. In real life," Tau continued, reaching up and hooking his fingers under his mask, "I was known as Hercules."

Gasps. Campers leaning forward in their seats. And Jason face-palming himself. Oops. I should have warned the seven about this particular companion.

Then Connor Stoll shouted, "Really! Cool!" The son of Hermes leaped over the side of the rail and ran to Hercules. "You're so cool, dude!"

Sigma took the spotlight next. Connor somehow managed to shut up and listen. "Omega dubbed me with the code name of Tharraleos. It means courageous, which Kidemonas believes of true of me because of my courage in defeating the Minotaur."

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