The Real Bryson

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Just a super short chapter to explain last chapter. XD

Percy POV

"Explain. Right now."

The real Bryson had refused to explain anything further until everyone was together. I had gotten Chiron to call a meeting and now both camps were jam packed into the arena, since the rec room was just a tad too small to fit everyone. As soon as Chiron had called the meeting, I had ordered Bryson to explain.

Bryson glanced at Reyna, as if for confirmation. Anger surged through me. Sure, Reyna was technically his leader, but this didn't need permission. It needed truth.

I slammed my fist into the side of the arena, causing a huge crack to appear in the wall. Oops. Well, that was the least on my mind right now. "Tell me. I'm giving you permission for this, not Reyna. Either way, with or without her permission, you are explaining." I leaned forward until we were practically in each other's faces. "Understand?"

Surprisingly, Bryson nodded. Both he and Reyna were staring at the wall of the arena with wide eyes. Apparently now they were too afraid to refuse me.

"It's a confusing story," Bryson began, his strange blue-silver eyes meeting mine. "I had a brother by the name of Tyler. He was younger than me and therefore, in my eyes, more privileged. He never got in trouble. Always got what he wanted. And I was jealous. So one day, I..." Bryson squeezed his eyes shut, as if dreading his next words. "I killed him." Before anyone could say a word, he said, "Please don't get angry. I'm sorry about all it now, so sorry. I've learned my lesson, through the Bryson you've known for the past five years. My brother Tyler was a demigod, but he never knew he was because I killed him before he had a chance to figure out. Hera enjoyed him, somehow. She was outraged that I had the nerve to kill one of her favorite people. So she cursed me." A gasp rose through the campers, both at the news that Hera actually enjoyed a demigod and at the fact that Bryson would murder his own brother. "She made a look-alike of me, one that would always get the credit. And she made me get bitten by a hydra. But I wasn't killed. Instead, the hydra's venom spread through my body and made me become part monster. That's why my eyes aren't a normal color; the monster blood in Mr changed them. And, um... When I get a cut, I sometimes have bluish-green blood. So, there you go. That's the truth."

Silence reigned for the longest time. Then Connor muttered, "Wait, so your blood is like, half red, half blue-green?"

Bryson nodded and drew a dagger from his belt. Before anyone could stop him, he placed the tip against his finger and pushed, drawing a single drop of blood. True to his word, instead of red liquid, a bead of blue-green blood appeared.

Travis scooted away from Bryson. "That's creepy on so many levels, dude."

I changed the subject before Travis or Connor could say something stupid. "Is your brother still in the Underworld?"

Bryson nodded forlornly. "He's dead. Where else would he be?"

"He could have been reborn," Annabeth murmured, placing her hand in Bryson's arm briefly. "Perhaps he was brought back to life but you just didn't know."

"Perhaps," Bryson sighed. "But for now, I'm just glad the truth is out. Now you all know that I'm the real Bryson."

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