Omega Kidemonas

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Hey, guys! Here's my first chapter! First off, I want to say that my chapters are probably going to be shorter than most people's because I'm actually doing this on my tablet and it takes forever for me write it all out, and blah blah, etc.
Second, all claims go to Rick Riordan. :) I just own the plotline of this story, nothing else.
Thirdly, I'm dedicating this chapter to my best friend in the world, LegolasLover159. We've had a lot of arguments, some serious, some lame, but we've always pulled through.
And last, my random comment for today (I've decided to start calling them Chaos Comments, or CC): I find it funny that Rachel Elizabeth Dare's initials are R.E.D.- the color of her hair!!
And now to the story!

Percy POV

"Omega? Tristel needs to see you on Kurston as soon as you can get to her.

I sighed and shut off the intercom. Another day. Another mission. Yesterday it had been eliminating a group of stray aliens on the Sun. Today, obviously, it was helping Tristel with whatever she needed.

Tristel is my best friend besides Chaos, Order, and the Army. The only thing is, she's not exactly human... she's a Griffin. In other words, she's half lion, half eagle. But she's amazing!

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I glanced up to see a tall figure clad in dark armour. It was my second-in-command, Iroas, or Alpha. I beckoned him in, patting the bed.

He joined me, making himself comfortable. "Another mission, huh, 'Mega?" he teased, flicking my shoulder. He knew I hated that name, so of course he was going to tease me about it.

I smirked. Time for pay-back. In a sweet voice, I responded, "Why yes, dear Alphie. And I'd like to bring your gorgeous self along with me."

Iroas visibly reddened beneath his half-mask. If you don't know what a half-mask is, it's a mask that covers half the face, from the forehead to the nose, leaving the mouth open so others can up understand you. "Thank you for asking me, Perce. And please, it's Alpha."

"Whatever you say, Alphie." I leaped up and ran out of the room before he could chase me.

I ended up running straight into Delta, a.k.a. Stratiotis.

"Whoa, there, Omega, what's the rush!?" he asked, blocking my way.

I squealed like a deranged poodle. "Help! Alphie's chasing me!"

Delta rolled his eyes. "Well, of course he is. You're using that absolutely ridiculous nickname."

"Ridiculous nicknames are awesome," I pouted.

"Sure thing, Cap." Delta gave me a lopsided smile before saluting and marching off.

"Got you!" Alpha cannon-balled into me, squashing me against the wall. He patted my cheek and laughed. "Let this be a lesson to you, oh great Mega Kid." He walked off nonchalantly.


I winced at the fury in Chaos's voice. Don't get me wrong, he's not like this terrible person, he just likes things getting done on time, and when they don't... well, you better watch out.

I pushed the button on the intercom. "Sorry, I got a bit distracted by a certain second-in-command. I'll be up in a minute."

"Good," Chaos growled. "Just don't let any of these distractions get in your way again."

He knew me too well.


Forcing myself to breath calmly, I turned to face Fratris. "Yes, Rho, what is it?"

Rho shifted uncomfortably. "Um... Pisti's asking for you. She says Chaos has something to say."

I snorted. "I think I found out. Thanks for the warning, though, Rho."

Fratris saluted. "Sure thing, Omega."

Chaos's "office" was about fifty feet from my own. Why use the intercom then, you may ask? It's more effective. I timidly entered Chaos's office, meeting those dark black-red eyes without flinching.

"About time," Chaos muttered.


"Sorry doesn't cut it."

I averted my gaze. "Okay."

Chaos sighed. "Look, I'm a bit upset because I know this mission is going to make you upset."

My head shot up, eyes narrowing. "What? Why?"

"Tristel isn't exactly worried about a matter on Kurston," Chaos began. "She's worried about a matter on earth- or more specifically, a matter currently going on in Camp Half-Blood."

The world seemed to tilt around me, and I clutched at the wall for support. No. Tristel wouldn't do this to me. I wasn't going back to that place, ever. How could Chaos agree to send me there? He was going to ruin me all over again!

"My brother, Void, is angry at Camp Half-Blood for an unknown reason. We believe it has something to do with one of the campers. I need you to go back to Camp Half-Blood and figure out who's the one causing trouble," Chaos explained.

I gritted my teeth. "No."

Chaos frowned, his brow furrowing uncertainly. "Percy, look, I know that this is the last place in the universe you want to go, but I need you to do this. Besides, if you go back, you'll be able to face the ones you lost. You may find that they are more accepting of you now."

My heart practically stopped beating at what I was about to say. "Fine. I'll go Chaos, provided you do me a favor."

"That depends on the favor, Percy. What do you wish me to do?"

"Number one, don't make me reveal myself to anyone. Don't reveal the Army to anyone. Don't reveal yourself to anyone," I practically demanded.

Chaos's expression grew thoughtful. "Believe it or not, Percy, I'm not in control of everything. I can't tell you what will happen; if anyone will find out who you or the Army really are. But I will promise you I'll do my best to keep you hidden."

I shook my head. "That's all I ask."

"What's number two?"

My eyes narrowed into tiny slits, my lips hardening into a frown. "Don't ever call me Percy. I am not Percy. I refuse to be called Percy, especially when I'm so close to going back to that place that used to call me Percy. I am not Percy. I am Omega Kidemonas."

Chaos bowed his head. "If that's what you wish, Per-... Omega, sorry... then that's what I'll do. Omega Kidemonas it is."

I bowed. "Thank you, Chaos."

I exited the room with his permission, but I stopped just outside his door and leaned against the wall, my head resting on the smooth red paint. Mission. Earth. Camp Half-Blood. All the memories came rushing back.

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