Triton is Righfully Put in His Place

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Percy POV


A voice entered my thoughts, and I woke from the fog in my brain.

"Hello? Percy, wake up, man."

I blinked my eyes open to see Luke's face in my own. Annabeth stirred beside me and I realized we'd spent the whole night out on the bench.

"Oh, uh, Luke." I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and gently shook Annabeth. "Sorry... uh, what did you want?"

"Oh, I didn't want anything," Luke smirked. "Your father did."

A feeling like I'd been slapped in the face filled me. How on earth could I have forgotten my father? I'd even spoken with the gods. That was when it dawned on me I hadn't actually seen Poseidon at the meeting in the throne room or in the arena when the Army revealed themselves.

Annabeth muttered something, and I leaned down to hear her better. "Go see your father, Seaweed Brain. I'll get up in a minute."

I smiled at her. Even when she was three-fourths asleep, she was still thinking about others. I pushed a strand of her blond hair behind her ear and stood. "Okay, Luke, take me to my dad."

My second-in-command frowned at me like I was stupid. "What, you think I can survive going down two hundred feet in the water without my head exploding, much less breathing underwater?"

"Wait, I'm going underwater?"

"Percy, have you forgotten that your father lives underwater?"

"Noooo," I protested. "I just didn't think I'd have to go underwater."

Luke laughed. "You're messed up, man." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Have a nice trip."

Luke started walking off, but I put a restraining arm on him. "Wait, Luke." He glanced back at me over his shoulder. "Why didn't the harpies get us? Annabeth and I were out here all night."

"Uh, hm. Let me think," Luke rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Like Chiron would have them eat you when you've just come back."

I was rightfully corrected. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose it makes sense."



Underwater, my voice still sounded weird. Like, you think after not drowning, after not getting wet, and after not exploding from pressure, you would be able to have a nice voice underwater. Work in progress, I guess.

"Perseus Jackson. What are you doing here?"

When I saw who had spoken, I sighed. "Dude, you really don't want me seeing my dad, who, by the way, asked for me. Don't try to keep me away, brother."

Triton snorted. "Who said I was? Nice wings, by the way."

The current ruffled my wings. Thankfully, my power with water extended to extra extensions of the body, such as wings. They stayed completely dry under the water.

Honestly, I didn't know whether Triton's words were a compliment or an insult. Oh, well. It would be better to take them as a compliment. "Thank you."

"That wasn't a compliment, brother." Now I knew. Worked every time. "They look ridiculous. What did you do, throw paint on them and call them modern art?"

"Get with the times, Triton," I sneered. "Throwing paint on a canvas is modern art."

Triton was thoroughly subdued, but unfortunately, the attitude didn't last long. "Well, then they look like a kid's drawing that was spilled on and then run over with a bulldozer."

I whistled. "Ouch, you're getting good, bro."

"Thanks," Triton said smugly.

"That wasn't a compliment," I copied. Triton glared at me. "At least my wings look better than your face."

Triton's glare filled with fury at my comment. For him, that was one of the worst insults in the world. Perhaps even in the universe also. "I wouldn't go too far if I were you, brother. I have a feeling you don't want to fight me."

"Perhaps I don't," I acknowledged, "but I have gotten stronger over the past five years."

"Been that long, huh?" Triton casually muttered. "What were you doing in that time? Purposefully trying to break Dad's heart?"

I had to keep my anger in check at that one. Triton had no idea what had been going on, and he wasn't helping the mood right now. If I wanted to, I could probably whip him, but I wouldn't do that unless it became necessary. I took a deep breath and replied, "Father disclaimed me, if you remember. I wasn't breaking Dad's heart; he was breaking mine. Besides, you're probably breaking Dad's heart more than anyone else here. Don't step over the line with him."

Triton couldn't keep his fury contained. He drew his sword with an angry sound and charged at me.

I didn't draw my sword until the last second, and until that point Triton wore a smug expression that told me he thought he'd won.

Then, the next thing he knew, he was stuck floating in the water, his sword falling to the ground, with my weapon on his neck. My multi-colored eyes held his without flinching. In fact, he was the first to drop his gaze.

"Triton, before you make an insult, make sure it's the right insult," I growled. My wings flapped inches from his face. "These wings are a symbol of who I am, and do you know who I am?"

Triton gulped and shook his head.

"I am Omega Kidemonas, co-ruler of the universe. These wings were given to me the day I defeated Void, Master of the Dark. I could squash you like a bug, do you hear me?"

Triton nodded.

"It would be wise for you to let me go on without further delay," I snarled, eyebrows raised.

"Go on," Triton gasped, the sword bobbing on his throat.

Sheathing my sword, I pushed Triton away and entered my father's palace. The door to the huge mansion boomed shut, scaring me half to death.

A merman met me and motioned for me to follow him. "Come with me. I will take you to your father."

Quietly I followed the merman into my father's palace.

And there he was.

"Dad." My voice cracked, and it was only at that moment that I realized just how much I truly missed my dad.

Poseidon's gaze shot up to mine, his mouth dropped open, and a huge smile broke out on his face. "So it's true!" he exclaimed softly. "My son is alive."

Poseidon ran forward and threw his arms around me. His grip was so powerful that he actually picked me up as he hugged me.

"Oh, Percy," Dad whispered. "I am so sorry."

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