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The plane stopped, My Cousin Jay and I are going to his friends house, and Im so excited because its Seth Rogen, I've been watching his movie's for years. I never done a movie with him but I want to. We walked through the exit gate, and there he was.

"Whats up, Jay" he said happily

"Nothing, just being, me" said Jay

"Awesome, and who's this lovely lady?" Asked Seth

"Oh, Im Marci, Jay's cousin, It's so nice to meet you" I said

"Well nice to meet you too, Marci" he said

We started walking to the parking lot and paparazzi were trying to talk to Seth.

"Seth, Do the laugh that everyone loves to hear" said a reporter

He laughed, that cute little laugh. We finally made it to the car and drove to his house. When we got in I fixed my beanie, and took a selfie.

"It's awesome, dude" said Jay

"Yeah, I got the everything man, and here the living room, ta-da" Seth said pointing to the coffee table.

"Wow" I said looking at the table full of weed and cocaine

"This is awesome" said Jay "You even spelled my name with joints"

And as usually we got high. we danced and got the munchies. it was awesome. When we were done, we sat down and relaxed.

"Oh, my god that was so awesome" I said breathing heavily

"Yeah" they both said in unison

"Lets go to Franco's house warming party, I told him I would come" Said Seth

"Yay" I said out loud

" I don't know man" said Jay

"Come on Jay, you never do anything fun, Please go" i said with puppy dog eyes

"Uh, uh....will you stop Marci, your eyes are so beautiful, they just mesmerize me" said Jay

"Yeah, they are a really a beautiful green" said Seth

"Pleaseeeeeee" I said

"Fine" said Jay

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