Danny...you need to go

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We relaxed and talked. Danny finished his water and got up to get some more.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled as the guys looked at him

"Getting another drink" Said Danny

"No we agreed on one cup for every meal" I said

"Im tired of all these rules, You don't see me putting rules on you" He said

"No more water just sit the fuck down" I yelled

He walked closer to the water and within a second, Danny lifted the water and started drinking it as well as spilling it. All the guys jumped and up. I got on top of the table and yelled.

"DANNY!!" I said jumping on him and pushed him to the floor

The guys hurried up and picked up the water jug. I got off of Danny and rolled beside him. Then all the sudden he rolled on top of me and started kissing my face.

"Ew, gross get him off of me" I screamed

The guys started pulling him off. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a rag, I rubbed my face really hard. I walked fast over to Danny with a knife.

"Can I kill him Now?" I said with the blade at his throat

"No, Marci. Calm Down" Said James taking the knife from my hand

I started towards him, but James grabbed me from behind.

"Im going to get you. Pervert" I said as James put me over his shoulder and walked up stairs.I looked up and gave Danny the finger, and waited to be put down. after about 22 seconds i was out down. I looked around it was in James' room.

"He needs to go" I said

"I know" said James

"He just face raped me, and he's not the one i want to fuck anyway" I said a little quietly

"Who do you want to fuck?" Asked James

"You" I whispered as I looked up at him.

"I have been wanting to do that since you walked in this house" He said smirking

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