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He pulled me close to him by my hips and started kissing me. I pushed him on the bed and unhooked my bra, I kept my breast covered and threw the bra on the floor.

"Move that arm" said James taking off his shirt

I moved my arm. "is this what you want?" I asked

He nodded. He stood up. we started to have sex...after 3 or 4 minutes, we stopped because all the guys knocked on the door.

"Oh shit" We said in unison

I got up and ran to the bathroom. I heard James open the door. I put on my clothes and flushed the toilet. And opened the door. And with being an actress you have special skills. So I used them.
"Oh, my. Why are you up here?",I asked
"Because you were screaming" said Jay
"Oh. I...I saw a huge ass spider and it jumps!"I said mimicking the spiders jump.
"Omg. I hate spiders!" Said Seth
"Come let's go down stairs and eat" I said
We went down stairs and searched through the cabinets but could not find nothing.

" I think we need more food" said Craig

"I agree, I'm so hungry" I moan
"How about we go to neighbors house"

"Good. Idea" says Seth
We did the match game and I had to stay here with Seth, Jonah, and James, while Craig and Jay leave.

"Hurry back" I say hugging Jay." If you die I want your house"

"Well that's very comforting"he says
letting go.

They leave out the house. I turn to see Jonah on the floor.
"Oh, my god! Jonah!" I run to his side. Along with Seth and James.

"I think he's having that diabetes thing, like an episode" I say..

"The Milky-way" says Seth
James grabs the Milky way and opens it.

"Open up milky way Jonah" says Seth.

"Do it like a bird" I say
James takes and bite and chews it, then swallows.

"Did you just eat it?" Asks Seth. He nods and Seth gets a bite. Then me. I savor this milk chocolate flavor. Black stuff finds its way out of Jonah's mouth.

"What is that, bile?" Asked Seth

"Smell it" I say
James puts his finger in it.

"Its cold" he says and sniffs it. "Smells like vomit" with that he tries to rub it on Seth. Jonah sits up and vomit goes straight from his mouth all over us.

"What the fuck"I scream. Jonah starts speaking a different language.

"That's Hebrew," says James.

"That's not fucking Hebrew." Says Seth .

"They drowned in a river a blood" says Jonah. "The end of days is here." He falls back.

"Jay was right" I say as Jonah gets back up and attacks James. Throwing him in the living room.
"Hey" says Seth. Jonah turns around and hisses. I shudder. He jumps off James and throws Seth so far he almost falls in the hole.

"I'm gonna titty fuck you Seth" he says

"Don't titty fuck me" he strains covering his chest.

"What are they big B's or small C's?" He ask. I grab a lamp and hit it on Jonah's back. He fell. I help Seth up. We run up stairs and James follows.
"Closet" I whisper. We file in and silently close the door. I look through the door and see him fumbling around. I cover my mouth. I feel like I'm hyperventilating, but its not me its Seth.

"Cover your mouth" I whisper.
He grabs a shirt and holds it to his mouth. But he's still breathing loudly. Jonah comes closer.
"On 3" I whisper '1,2,...3" with that we push open the door and slam him to the ground. We make it to the stairs buy I slip and so does James and Seth. We reach the bottom.
"Ow!" I scream standing up. We head for the door. But the door opens.
We scream. Until we realize its Jay and Craig.

"What's up with you guys?" Asked Craig
We look at the stairs to see Jonah.

"That!" I point as he races toward us. Jay jumps in front and hits him with the bat. And again...just to make sure.

"Oh, my god. Jay!" I say hugging him. I kiss his forehead.

"Your bleeding" he says pulling away.
"Oh, well I fell down the stairs." I smile.
"Make sure that's good and tight" says James as we tie Jonah to the bed. Jonah moves his head. He starts to wake up.

"Let's get out of here" says Craig.

We walk downstairs and eat the food they got.

"Why are we still here?" Asked Seth "we haven't done anything wrong here"

"Yeah, were actors. Were good people. We make people laugh" says James.

"I know why I'm here" I say. Everyone looks at me.

" I had that court session... About the rape and drug abuse..." I say

"You never told us this" says Seth

"Well...anyway...the rape was real. It happened several times. But..." I trail off.

"But what?" Asks Jay as he holds my hand.

"He didn't drug me..."I say pulling up my sleeves showing puncture wounds from a needle.

"Then who?" They all say
I hold my shoulder.
"I did...all I wanted was him in prison. But they said the rape was a lie and it wasn't" I cry out loud.

"Shh...its okay" says Jay. He hugs me, along with everyone else.

"I have something to confess" says James. We stare at him. Awaiting his response.

"I fucked Lindsay Lohan" he says.

"What?"asks Seth

"She was banging on my door, she was high" he explained "she kept calling me Jake Gyllenhal. I told her to call me the prince of Persia"

"Dude. That's fucked up" I laugh

"I have something to admit" says Craig
"I gouged a man eyeballs out"

"Ew, why?" Asks Jay

"I was at the bar, he was yelling at me so I hit him with bottle. The first eye was an accident, so I was like, fuck it, and went for the second"

I was about to say something the I heard Jonah growing and screaming up stairs.

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