Going to the store

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I Put down the microphone and hugged Rihanna. Jay, Seth and James, walked over to me.

"Every time we come to a party you have to sing" said Jay

"Aw, you know me so well" I said grabbing his chubby cheeks, then I kissed him on his forehead.

"Dude, your awesome" said James

"I know" I said winking at him, he winked back

I was at the counter drinking a red-bull mixed with vodka, I saw Jay walking around, he seemed confused and mad. He went to Seth.

"Hey, can we go to the store? I need cigarettes" He said

"Yeah, sure just give me this much time" He said holding up a joint that was more than half way gone.

I got up and walked over to Jay.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing's wrong" he said trying not to look at me

"Your my cousin, I know when your fucking lying, tell me" I said

"I don't want to be here" said Jay

"Why?" I asked

Seth walked over to us.

"Ready?" he asked

"Oh, yeah" said Jay

"I'm coming to before I rape James Franco, over there" I said

"Really?" asked Jay

"Uh, yeah. He's so hot. I can't keep it in my pant's. Im going to get laid." I said

He shook his head. we drove to the store, well hitched a ride in the cab. We went to the gas station.

"Excuse me miss, but my daughter has to use the bathroom really bad" said a man to the cashier

"Read the sign "customer's cannot use the bathroom, without purchase" said the woman

"It's okay, daddy, I can hold it" said the girl

The ground started shaking, everything was falling, Seth fell on me I hit my head on a shelf, I was knocked out.

Jay's POV:

"Marci" yelled Jay

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