Chapter 14

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Hello Everyone I am so sorry I haven't updated in agggeesss I'v just been really busy but I'm glad I had time to do this chapter today :) Hope you enjoy!

Rosie's P.O.V

My head was pounding and it felt like a million pins had been carelessly stabbed into every bone in my body. How could someone do this to me? What have I done to anyone that would want to make them nearly kill me? I tried to think about what I had done in the past , trying to think who I have hurt. I couldn't remember anything. Especially after losing little bits of my memory in the car crash years ago. I wanted Harry. Even after what I had done I am sure he has a little bit of me on his mind! I just want him here by my side, comforting me. I felt feeble, weak, anemic whatever the word is. I can't think right now. I have the worst headache. I lie down and snuggle into the warm sheets and slowly close my eyes.

Harry's P.O.V

I paced uncomfortably up and down the hallway waiting to hear how Rosie was doing. Even after what she has done to me I can't just leave her now. I love her to much and who would look after her when she gets out of hospital? Where would she go? I suppose one of the boys could look after her but that wouldn't be fair just dumping her on them. I try to think of something but I don't know what. Food. Yes food. Yummy delicious food, "Food, food, food, sweetcorn, starbucks, pasta" I say, practically sprinting up and down the hallway now.  

"Harry what are you doing" Asked Zayn, gently grabbing my arm to stop me. 

"Go away I don't want to talk to you right now"! I yelled with rage. I know I shouldn't have yelled at him but I was just not in the mood for him right now. I felt my head getting hotter and hotter and my fists clenching. 

"Hey Harry why don't we go for a walk to get some fresh air aye" Asked Niall, smiling at me.  

"Fine" I said, puffing.

Birds were singing, leaves were floating down from the beautiful green trees and kids were happily frolicking around the grass. I'm glad Niall suggested coming here. It was so peaceful. 

"Hey thanks Niall for suggesting to come out here. It has really calmed me down. I think i'm just getting really stressed over all of this" I said, I slight smile creaping up on my face.  

"Its a pleasure bro" He replied, patting me on the back.  

"What got into you before because you seemed okay then you yelled at Zayn" He asked.  

I sighed.  

"Things were flashing through my mind about when Rosie was in a coma. I was so worried about her and then she cheated on me with Zayn. It was all just building up inside of me so I had to let it out. I knew I shouldn't have let it out on him but I wasn't thinking straight. I just hope she will be okay". I said, not making eye contact with him. 

"Don't keep worrying that she wont be okay because she will! All she has is a couple of bruises-"  

"A couple of bruises?! Some sick man had slapped her on both sides of her cheaks, probably kicked her in the chins so hard that has made her bleed! He's probably raped her for all I know! The last thing we need is Rosie carrying some rapists baby!!!!!" 

Tears formed in my eyes. I went and sat alone on a park bench, looking down the whole time not wanting to talk to anyone.

Niall's P.O.V

I have no idea what do do! One minute Harry's fine then the next minute it looks like he's about to rip everyones head off! I feel so sorry for him and wish I could help him but I can't. I text Liam.

Me: Please can u come down to the park next to the hospital. I'm so stuck. I don't know what to do to help Harry. He is sitting on the park bench by himself atm.

Liam: k be there in a few. Just let him be alone until I get there that's probably what he wants right now.

Me: Thanks Liam :)

We are so lucky to have Liam as one of our closest friends. He always knows what to do and say. Hopefully he can talk to Harry and help him.

Liam's P.O.V

"I'm just going to go down to the park and help out Niall. Aparently Harry is very upset and Niall doesn't know what to do to help because Harry just wants to be alone. Hopefully I can talk him into coming back up here.I don't know how long I will be but just text me if you need anything." I tell Zayn and Louis.  

"Ok we will let you know when the nurse comes back out." Said Louis. 

"Yes Louis looking forward to seeing Clara aren't you Louis" Zayn jokes, giving Louis a playful nudge.  

"Shut up" He replies in a childish voice. I grab my jersey and head outside.

When I arrived at the park I saw Harry sitting on one of the park benches, facing away from Niall. I made my way over them to try and sort this out.  

"Hey guys"I said cheerfully 

"Hi" , replied Niall. Harry didn't say a word.  

"Hi Harry you okay mate" I said, sitting next to him.  

"What do you think" He said rudely. I didn't mind though because I knew he was angry and upset.

"Sorry." I Replied. Harry sighed then looked at me.

"No i'm sorry. I shouldn't  be taking everything out on you guys but I cant help it so i'm sorry if I say anything hurtful to you. I'm just cant think at the moment."

"Its okay Harry we understand that you are upset. Why don't we go to some shops?" I suggested.

"Sure" Harry said, getting up.

We made our way down to some clothes shops that Harry liked to go to, to try and get his mind off things.

"Harry, Niall, Liam over here look!"

"Boys over here"

"Harry whats going on with you and Rosie? Have you broken up?" Oh no the paparazzi were here. I could see the look of rage in Harry's eyes. The annoying this was, he couldn't get angry at them because if he did then they would put a headline on the front page of the paper saying 'Harry Styles threatens paparazzi' or 'Does Harry Styles have anger management?' with a picture of him with an angry face.

Harry's P.O.V

I can never be alone can I! Every time I try to be alone, people just keep popping up. Even paparazzi! I just want to be alone for a while so I can blot everything out! "Can we go" I whispered to Liam"

"Yes come over here" He replied. We made our way back to the hospital to get away from everyone, hoping the results were in about Rosie.

When we got back to the hospital I saw Zayn and Louis sitting on the seats looking worried. "Has the nurse come yet" I asked, trying not to panic. No one answered for a bit. Louis cleared his throat, a tear was running down his cheek. 

"Rosie is dead"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2013 ⏰

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