Chapter 4

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Harrys POV

Tears spilled down my cheaks as I looked over at Tom and Max. They were both in shock and were screaming. I felt so bad. It was all my fault. I was the one that was speeding and lost controle and smacked into a lamp post. I was the one to blame for the injuries.

The car had tipped right over so we were upside down. I crawled over the roof over to the boys. They were crying and screaming so loud it made me cry even more. I dragged them both out of the smashed window and gently placed them on the road. Even though it was quite dangerous just leaving them on the road it wouldn't matter because the road was deserted. If a car did end up driving past i'm sure they would see them and come and help us. I crawled over to Rosie. She was laying on the roof in a very awkward position, unconcious. Glass from the windscreen was shattered all through her hair and over her top. I even saw a little piece of glass dug into her arm. I tried to lift her up but my wrist was killing me so I had to drag her out of the windscreen and on to the grass on the other side of the car. I gently kissed her forehead and crawled back over to Max and Tom in alot of pain. They were shivering and their lips had turned blue. I cuddled them tightly then wrapped my warm jacket around them even though I was now shivering. I pulled out my phone and called the ambulance. They said they would have to bring out a helicopter seen it would take to long to drive out and also because it looked like it was going to start raining anytime soon. something fell on my leg, causing me to scream and clench my fists. The car had tipped over a little bit more and crushed my leg. I cryed and cryed and cryed. I had never cryed so much in my life! I couldn't move my leg even though I was in alot of pain. I rested my head on the rough ground and went to sleep. All my energy was gone so it was my only choice.

I woke up on a stretcher getting moved into the helicopter "ROSIE" I yelled as I could see her on a stretcher by the car with a gas mask on. "ROSIE" I said again crying. " Please be quiet sir, we don't want to wake up your boys otherwise they will be even more frightened" Said a nurse that was sitting next to me. " ITS ALL MY FAULT! ROSIE IS DYING BECAUSE OF ME" I said to her as well as some very rude words. " Please sir just calm down! She is not dying she is just unconcious. We need to get all of you to the hospital as soon as possible" She said holding my arms down. I could see Tom and Max sleeping on stretchers, covered in warm blankets. I decided to go back to sleep and try and think that everything will be fine.


2 weeks later

Harrys POV

I got out of hospital last week with a massive cast on my leg which is very itchy. Max has a neck brace as he has whiplash, Tom has a cast on his arm and Rosie is in a coma in the hospital. I went to visit her. I sat down on the chair next to her bed and talked to her even though she couldn't hear me. " I'm so sorry about all of this. I should never have taken you on that stupid trip. It was a stupid idea. I wouldn't be suprised if you never wanted to see me again when you get out of hospital. But I promise I will be there for you not matter what!" I held her hand tightly and gently rested my head on her chest. I tried to hold in the tears forming in my eyes but I just couldn't. She has to wake up. She just has to.

Ooooo I wonder if Rosie will wake up from her coma? What if she doesn't! Thanks for all you readers and please comment your thoughts on this story because I would really like to know! Thanks

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