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I felt bad for Thomas, but he should of listened to the end of my sentence. All the graders ran to him and helped him up and started yelling stuff any him like shank, shuck or greenie.

Bless him he looked so confused. Alby walked over and whispered to Newt."Right Thomas we're going to put you in the pit to calm you down and later I will come for you and give you the tour."
"Wait Alby can I give him the tour?"I had to ask.
"Yeah sure, but later shank!" When Albu said I could my face lit up, but on the other hand Newt not so much.
"Why did you do that?"Newt doesn't really like Thomas does he.
"He's my brother and I want to make him feel welcome even though I haven't even been here a week!"I kissed Newt goodbye and walked off to find Thomas.

*skip tour*

After the tour Thomas wouldn't stop asking questions that I don't have the answers to.  Maybe I should off just let Alby do this."Persephone?"
"Yes Thomas?"
"I had a dream while I was in the pit!"
"REALLY what was it!!!" You can't tell I was excited. I think the whole glade knows I'm excited for shuck sake.

"It's about blurry, but you were there and myself oh and newt was there too."he paused"I tried to get you both to hate each other, but u made it worse by both of us giving the creators the idea to make the maze."we silently looked at each other until Thomas spoke again.
"Persephone we did this to them..."

~Heya guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter comment what you want to happen cause you get a say in what happens. And can I just say go PERSEWT!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you shanks

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