Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 2

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The final bell rang and Jack bolted for the door. The text he’d just received had just knocked all of his sense out of him. As he stormed out the room, he saw his ‘crew’ standing about in their usual place. Jack didn’t have time for them today. Instead of hanging about with them, Jack tried to push past but the arms that grabbed him back prevented him from doing so. He ripped off someone’s arm and pulled with all his strength to free himself and it worked. As soon as Jack turned the corner, he ran as fast as his legs would take him.


Alex turned back round to the boys, twisted her hair around her fingers and sighed. “What a miserable old bag he is.”

There were a few moments silence before Zack spoke up.

“Alex, you may be his girlfriend but-” Zack was rudely interrupted.

“Zip it, douchebag.” Alex replied.

Zack sighed and stared out of the window. Alex really couldn’t give a damn about Jack right now. As far as she was concerned, he was just being a stroppy teenager, probably crying over something petty. However, that wasn’t the case. Jack had a reason to be a so-called stroppy teen and if things were to get worse for Jack, he would be in grave danger.

“So guys, you gonna come crash the sixth formers party? I got us all invites-”

“Seriously!? Is that all you ever care about?!” Rian exclaimed. He was sick of Alex playing stupid mind games with Jack.

“What?” She laughed.

“Your boyfriend storms out of college and you want to go to a fucking party? What kind of girlfriend are you?!” Rian’s fists clenched up, his temper rising. He really wanted to pin her up by the scruff of her neck against the wall and teach her a lesson. Unfortunately, he knew Alex’s twisted ways too well and she’d only go tell Jack a sob story, which would result in Jack hunting down Rian.

“Sorry. What is your problem?”

“My problem is you and your whore-ish ways. All you want to do is go get wasted and end up fucking some guy. How do you think Jack would feel if he knew you were using him?” His voice put a threat over Alex and she soon changed her tune.

“Fuck off Rian.” She looked around trying to avoid his stare.

“Well considering noone else has got up yet-”

“Shut up Zack.” Alex snapped.

"That’s it." Zack thought to himself. He wasn’t having any more of Alex’s power hanging over his head.

“How about you shut the fuck up Alex. I’m fucking talking and it’s about time you let someone else speak for a change. The world doesn’t just revolve around you, but apparently that’s not your train of thought. You watched your boyfriend storm out of here and you intend to do nothing about it? Well if noone else is, I fucking will.” Zack stormed past Alex and bashed into her shoulder on purpose. Rian followed close behind and left Alex standing in the school hallway alone. She’d never been shouted at before. She was the queen bee round here, right? So why was she the one being targeted at? In her eyes, she hadn’t done anything wrong. If Jack was going to have a strop, he was going to have a strop and Alex couldn’t stop him. She didn’t want Jack to pass on his depression effect onto her. She was way too high class for that shit.


Rian and Zack practically knocked down the front door when Jack’s mum made an appearance.

“He’s up in his room.” Jack’s mum gestured for them to come in and they headed straight upstairs.

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