Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 10

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“I love you too Alex.” Jack cupped Alex’s chin and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I want to get out of here.”

“Well, the doctor said to me that they just wanna keep an eye on you for a few hours or so and then they’ll discharge you, okay?”

“I want to go home and just snuggle up in bed with you.” Jack pouted.

“Jack Barakat, don’t you pout at me! You’ll be out of here before you know it and then you can snuggle up to me all you want.”

Jack smiled, closed his eyes and yawned. “I’m so tired.”

“Go to sleep then.” Alex smiled.

“Only if you come here.” Jack shifted over a little and patted the space beside him.

Alex clambered up onto the bed and laid his body in line with Jack’s. Jack cuddled up to Alex and Alex put his arms around Jack. It wasn’t long after Jack had fallen asleep that Alex’s own eyelids started to droop.


It had been a week after the accident at Alex’s house and Jack was preparing to go back to college. Neither Alex nor Jack had been to college since the incident and Jack really didn’t want to go back. He didn’t want to face a million questions and rumours that would have spread around by now. Jack still wanted to keep Alex his secret, not because he was ashamed, but because if anyone was to find out, it wouldn’t be long before they wished it was still a secret.

“Alex, do we have to?” Jack moaned.

“We’ve got to Jack. If we don’t go back, our grades are going to fall and we’ve got to stop the rumours circulating.”

“But Aleeeeex.” Jack pouted and buried his head in Alex’s chest.

Alex ruffled Jack’s hair and planted a kiss in the crook of his neck.


“Yeah?” He looked up.

“Did I ever tell you I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be?”

“Probably although I might not have been listening.”

Alex playfully punched Jack’s shoulder and he yelped.

“Well if that was your persuasion technique, it was pretty lame.” Jack smirked.

Alex quickly turned Jack over so that Alex was on top and in control. Alex gradually dropped his body on Jack’s and began to lightly bite a line down just below Jack’s navel. Alex placed his hands on Jack’s hips and slowly levelled up with Jack’s body again. Alex grinded his hips against Jack’s and the friction between their jeans was unbearable. Jack dug his fingernails into the bed sheets and cursed under his breath.

“Alex…” he trailed off.

“Yes Jack?” Alex chuckled to himself. 

“Stop…please…” Jack growled.

“Depends on how lame you think my techniques are now?” Alex’s hot breath hit Jack’s ears made him shiver.

“I’m pretty…helpless.” Jack managed to choke out.

Alex slowed down his actions, kissed Jack’s nose and got off the bed.

“Alex, you’re such a tease.” Jack didn’t move. He was too busy trying to fight the urges out of his mind.

“I know, now come on, we have a college to attend to, believe it or not.”

“You’re really going to leave me in this state?”


Jack rolled his eyes. He should have known better. “I’m still not going.”

“I’ll go without you then.”

“As if you would.” Jack narrowed his eyes.

“Well, you can either be without me for 6 hours and see how you manage or you can come with me and you’ll get to see me a lot more.”

“Ugh, fine.”

Jack collected his bags reluctantly and followed Alex out of the room.


When Alex and Jack arrived at Pinehurst, everyone looked their way. Some people stared as they normally did, but some peoples face scrunched up in disgust.

“I told you.” Jack whispered.

“That’s only one group of people Jack, I’m sure it’ll be okay inside.”

However, that wasn’t the case. As soon as they walked in, everybody fell silent and stared in Alex and Jack’s direction. They walked in a steady pace towards their classroom trying not to cause any suspicion. To Alex and Jack’s relief, noone looked up at them when they entered their classroom. They sat down at the two spare seats at the back and waited for the tutor to speak.

“Jack, Alex, where have you been? You didn’t attend any of your classes last week. Explain yourselves.” The tutor was busy writing to notice Alex and Jack exchanging thoughts on what excuse to use.

“Um...” Alex couldn’t think of an excuse for himself.

“I smashed my jaw in.” Jack said, bluntly.

The majority of students in the classroom turned and stared at the pair.

“And you, Alex?” The tutor stopped writing and looked over at Alex.

“I had the flu.”

“If this happens again, you’ll have a 10 minute detention in your first break. Are we clear?”

Jack and Alex both nodded before grabbing their timetables to check what they had next. The bell rang and everyone filed out the door. Jack and Alex were putting their timetables away when the tutor made his way over.

“Are you two…dating?” He spat.

“What?!” Jack exclaimed.

“You heard me.”

Alex stayed quiet.

“No we’re not!” Jack pretended to be shocked at the question.

“Just making sure. You know what would happen if you were. I’m sure you told Alex that, right?” The tutor winked and then walked away.

“Come on, we need to go.” Jack whispered.

Alex and Jack hurried along to their next class, which in fact was RS, and quickly found seats at the back. This was going to be one boring lesson.


It came around to lunchtime and Jack sighed with relief. He was planning to skip fourth and fifth period. He was sick of all the questions and people blatantly getting in his face all the time.

“Hey Jack, are you gay?”

“Jack, you never told me you were a queer!”

“People are going to kill you Jack.”

“Didn’t know you took it that way gayboy!”

“No wonder you ditched Alexandra.”

Jack shook his head and headed to Alex’s class. However, when he arrived the classroom was empty and Alex was nowhere to be seen. Jack started to panic; what if people had taken Alex aside and decided to beat him up? Alex wouldn’t stand a chance. Jack ran up the stairs to the other lobby and his blood boiled when he saw a few guys crowding over Alex in the far corner. Jack ran as fast as he could towards the group and saw one of the guy’s fists poised in the air. Jack instinctively jumped in front of Alex just as the fist swung round, and smashed into Jack’s chest.

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