Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 12

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After a few minutes, Alex pushed Jack away. Jack looked down at the ground. Alex let his hand lie on Jack’s chest.

“You can’t do that to me Jack. Ever.” A tear fell down Alex’s cheek and he quickly wiped it away.

“I’m sorry Alex, I-I don’t even know why I snapped at you. I’m sorry, I really am.” Jack’s voice broke and tears poured down his face. Jack turned and slumped himself against the sofa. Alex followed him and sat next to Jack on the sofa.

“I’m sorry too Jack.” Alex wrapped his arms around Jack’s waist but Jack barely moved.

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for Lex.”

“I have. I snapped at you remember. I also punched you.”

“Yeah but you had every right.”

“No, I didn’t Jack, I shouldn’t have punched you at all and I won’t ever do it again, promise.” Alex pecked Jack on the cheek and Jack connected their lips together again. Alex moved his hands up to Jack’s neck and Jack pushed Alex gently back onto the sofa, carefully managing not to break the kiss. Jack held himself above Alex trying to ignore his urge, but it wasn’t working. Alex’s fingers ran up and down Jack’s back and it was worsening the situation. Jack decided to take a risk and if Alex told him enough was enough then Jack would simply comply. Jack traced a line with his hand down towards Alex’s navel and slipped his hand down towards Alex’s crotch. Alex started to hesitate. He didn’t know if he was ready for what Jack was proposing.

“Jack…” Alex gulped.


Alex shook his head. “Not yet.”

Jack slowly retreated his head and lay down beside Alex. Alex shuffled over and made some room for Jack.

“Sorry Jack.” Alex wrapped his arms around Jack’s waist.

“Don’t be sorry, if you’re not ready, you’re not ready. We can just stay at the level we’re at, it’s all up to you.” Jack kissed Alex’s cheek and Alex blushed.

“Can we go for a walk?” Alex smiled sweetly.

“But it’s getting dark and it’s cold…” Jack attempted to plead with Alex. However, Alex was having none of it.

“Jaaaack. Please?” Alex nipped at Jack’s neck and Jack shivered.

“Okay, fine.” Jack reluctantly agreed. Although, Jack really despised going out in the cold, Alex did deserve to get his way considering Jack’s recent actions.

Alex jumped up and ran to get his coat while Jack grabbed some munchies from the kitchen. As soon as Jack returned to the living room and made his way to the front door, he could see Alex jumping up and down as if he’d never ever been on a walk before. Alex’s grin was enormous and Jack tried not to smile back. Alex’s smile was definitely 100% contagious.

“Jacky, let’s go already!”

“Calm down baby, it’s only a walk!” Jack laughed.

“But, it’s with you which makes it all the better.” Alex latched onto Jack’s arm as they walked down the path and onto the road.

“Hmm, you state a good point.” Jack kissed the top of Alex’s head and smiled to himself.

“Didn’t you say you didn’t want us to be… affectionate in public?” Alex winked.

“Hmm, I’m starting to loosen up on it a little. I blame you for that.” Jack returned the wink and Alex giggled.

Jack grabbed Alex’s hand and ran, almost yanking Alex’s arm out of its socket.


“Come on, slow coach! I’ve just thought of the perfect place to go. Don’t wanna miss the sunset do you?”

“No, suppose not.”

“Let’s go then!”

By the time Alex and Jack had got to Jack’s ‘special place’, they were both shattered.

“As if you made me run ALL that way Jack!” Alex fell to the floor and Jack joined him, both trying to catch their breath.

“I’m sorry Lex.”

“It’s okay.” Alex kissed Jack’s cheek and they stayed in that position for a few minutes.

“Alex, you’re shivering.”

“Am I?” Alex quickly scanned himself and noticed that in fact, Jack was right. Alex was shaking quite violently from the cold temperature.

“C’mere, I’ll warm you up.” Jack opened up his arms and pulled Alex closer to him. Alex rested his neck in the crook in Jack’s.

“Jack Barakat?”

“Alexander Gaskarth?”

“I love you. A lot.”

“I love you too. A lot more.”



“Nu-uh!” Alex lifted himself up a little and stared into Jack’s eyes. Jack smiled and held Alex’s gaze for a few seconds before quickly grabbing Alex’s collar and connecting their lips together. However, this kiss felt different from any of theirs before and Jack wasn’t quite sure why. Was it because they were out in the freezing cold? Jack decided to put that thought aside; maybe he was just being paranoid.

After a few minutes though, Jack suddenly pulled away from Alex and looked into the far distance. Alex raised his eyebrows.



Alex looked behind him and as far as he could see, there was nothing particularly appealing.

“We need to get out of here.” Jack whispered.

“Why? What’s happening?”

“We’re not alone.” Jack gulped.

“Let’s go then.”

“Try not to make any noise.”


Jack slowly rose to his feet and held out his hands for Alex to grab onto. They needed to get out of this place before they were spotted. Jack squeezed Alex’s hand and Alex squeezed back. Jack was scared. If they were caught, Jack didn’t know what would happen, in fact, he didn’t want to find out. So far, Jack and Alex had managed not to make much noise except the panting of their breath and Jack was almost convinced they’d made it out of the place without being caught. That was until Jack noticed a bulky guy standing right in front of them.

“Shit.” Jack muttered.

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