Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 3

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Jack headed back out to his car and sat in the drivers seat for a few minutes. He looked over to the entrance of the house and saw nothing. Alexandra hadn’t come out or anything. Jack really regretted even dating Alex. She was messing with his head and Jack didn’t like it. Sleeping with other guys whilst in a relationship? What sort of committed girlfriend was she? Was she even his girlfriend anymore? These questions remained unanswered and Jack wanted answers but he couldn’t storm back in there and find out because Alex was most likely drunk. Jack was contemplating going back into the house and dragging Alex out like he had done countless times before or whether he should just leave her there and let her find someone else to dump her shit on. He decided to leave her. He didn’t want to see her again after what he saw. Jack knew this was coming and that it was only a matter of time before Alex’s twisted ways emerged.


When Jack arrived back at his house, he noticed that the lights were still on. It was 10:30pm and normally his mum would have been in tucked up in bed right now. Something wasn’t quite right.

Jack unlocked the door, walked in and shut it behind him quietly. He peeped through the living room door crack and saw his mum lying on the couch lightly sleeping.

“She must have had a nightmare.” Jack thought. He sneaked upstairs and headed to his bedroom. Jack wasn’t surprised when he realized that Rian and Zack weren’t there. Nothing had changed in his room however Jack saw out the corner of his eye a A4 piece of paper lying on Jack’s bed. As he walked closer to the bed, he could make out that it was in Rian’s scruffy handwriting. He picked up the note and held it steadily in his hands as he read.

Hey Jack. When you read this, you’ll probably have realized that we’ve gone. Sorry about that! Your mum asked us to leave as it was getting late and Zack’s parents had called a few minutes before asking him to come home so we left. Give Zack and me a bell when you get back or if you wanna talk about anything that happened. We’re always here for you.

 Rian and Zack x”

Jack made a mental note to call them in the morning. He didn’t feel too good right now. His stomach felt as if it was going to explode and that definitely wasn’t normal. Jack changed into some sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt and turned off his light. He got into bed and rested his head on the pillow. Jack’s brain started to play flashbacks of what had just happened at the sixth formers party and no matter how much he tried to shake the thought, it kept coming back. The look on Alex’s face when she realized Jack was there, watching in shock. It wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before but still, it shocked him to see that Alex was still being the player she was. That was never going to change for anyone. The more he thought about the Alex situation, the worse the night went. Jack felt a tear fall down his face and his head began to pound. He wished he hadn’t have gone searching for Alex at that party after all.


The next morning, Jack woke up with a clear head to his relief. He headed downstairs and poured out some cereal into a bowl. Today was the day he was going to change everything that was wrong in his life. Alexandra for starters. As soon as she was done with, Jack could lead a life without having to worry about her cheating on him with multiple guys. The weight wouldn’t be hanging on his shoulders anymore and he’d be able to find a partner who actually loved Jack for Jack and nothing else.

As soon as he finished his breakfast, Jack headed upstairs and changed into something more formal for college. As soon as he fixed his hair, he headed out to his car and drove over to Rian’s house. When he pulled up at Rian’s, Rian was halfway down the path struggling to get his coat on. Jack laughed slightly and pushed open the passenger door.

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