Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 16

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Alex gulped and glanced at the diamond ring Jack was holding up. After a few intense seconds, Alex’s bottom lip quivered.

“Jack-I…” He began.

Jack pulled himself up slightly and sighed. “It’s okay if you don’t want to Alex, I just thought-”

Before Jack could continue, Alex gently grabbed Jack’s collar and pulled him back down onto the bed, pressing his lips onto Jack’s in the process. Jack responded and swiftly laid the ring down on the bedside table and focused his attention back on Alex, wrapping his arms around Alex’s back. Alex slowly turned them both over so that he was on top of Jack. After exchanging a few more kisses, Alex parted with Jack’s lips and laid his head down on Jack’s chest. Jack gently squeezed Alex and cradled him in his arms. Nothing was said for a couple of minutes, and then Alex drew in a big breath.

“Jack?” Alex slowly let his breath out.

“Yeah?” Jack replied in a quiet, soft tone.

Alex trailed patterns along Jack’s torso with his fingertips whilst thinking about how to phrase his next words.

“I want to spend my life with you, Jack, I don’t care about anyone else now. You’ve become the biggest part of my life and I couldn’t imagine it without you. I’m sorry for the times where I’ve practically told you to piss off, I really don’t mean it. I’m glad you’ve ignored me in that way and ran after me, I regret every single word after it comes out my mouth and there’s always a part of me that thinks you won’t come back especially after that time before, but you do. It would crush me if you did walk away for good but I have been a dick to you and I’m really sorry.” Alex bit his lip in an attempt to stop himself from bursting out into tears. However, Alex’s sniffle gave it away and Jack sat up, looked Alex directly in the eyes and smiled, almost crying himself.

“Alex, baby, I wouldn’t walk away from you forever, I couldn’t bring myself to do such a thing to someone as precious as you. Not now. Those things in the past are the past and that’s where they belong. I regret that particular event so much and I wish I had never done it.” He paused. “Alex, nothing else matters when I’m with you.”

Alex grinned, looked up at Jack and grabbed both of his hands.

“Yes.” Alex said, slowly tracing his thumbs in circles around Jack’s hands.

“Hm?” Jack cocked his head a tiny bit with a confused expression.

“Yes, Jack Bassam Barakat. I will marry you.”

Without warning, Jack sprung from the bed, grabbed Alex, latched him onto Jack’s waist and then spun him around several times causing Alex to giggle like a school girl. When Jack had finally stopped spinning them both, Alex laid his head on Jack’s neck and closed his eyes.

“I love you.” Alex whispered.

“And I love you too.” Jack replied in a soothing manner. It wasn’t long before light snores could be heard from the boy attached to Jack.


“15 minutes. The Crown Inn. Got some goss.”

Alexandra waited until the sent notification popped up then put her phone back in her pocket and headed downstairs.

“I’m going out, bye!” She shouted hoping her mother would hear although there was no reply. Alexandra hated her life at home; her mother was always drowning out her sorrows with alcohol and it was her father’s fault. Alex was violently abused when she was a little kid, cigarette ashes were dug into her skin, and her father cowered her into a corner then beat her until she was unconscious or barely able to breathe. Alex accidentally witnessed her father torturing her mother in pretty much the same way except her abuse often involved knifes being pressed into her wrists and various other places. It pained her to re-live the memories in her mind and when she came back to the present moment, she quickly wiped a tear from her face.

Alex knew most of the back streets and shortcuts so it didn’t take her long to walk to The Crown Inn. As soon as she approached the pub, she saw a familiar figure leaning against the sidewall. Alex walked up to the figure and raised her hand up to his face, slowly brushing along his cheek.



Aaron bent down slightly towards Alex and when they were close enough, Alex pressed her lips hard against his. A few more seconds passed then Aaron grabbed Alex and turned her around so she was now the one with her back against the wall. Aaron placed his hands on each side of Alexandra, almost in a threatening way.

“So, what’s the news?” Aaron whispered, seductively in Alex’s ear.

Alex shuddered very slightly from Aaron’s action and devilishly smiled up at him.

“Jack and Alex are on it.” She laughed.

Aaron laughed evilly back and replied. “How’s about we tell the whole of Baltimore about this? It shall be interesting how it goes down.”

Alex quickly thought to herself about her past relationship with Jack, there was something they could do first that would be better and then proceed to tell the whole of Baltimore. Jack had mentioned briefly something about his parents, possibly his father not likely homosexuality? Or was that his mother or another relative?

“No!” The voice in her head exclaimed and she recalled the conversation. “It’s his mother!”

“I have a better plan.” Alex nipped at the crook in Aaron’s neck.

Aaron huffed slightly. “Do tell.”

“We tell Jack’s mother about them. She can’t stand gays if I remember rightly.”

Alex pulled Aaron back towards her lips and they remained there, kissing for moments more. As the kiss went on, Aaron’s hands drifted downwards and Alexandra gently guided his arm in the right direction. Alex groaned slightly causing Aaron to connect their lips once again.

Once the situation had calmed down, Aaron broke away and smiled once again at Alex.

Alex returned the smile and grabbed Aaron’s hand. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go cause some havoc.”

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