Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 15

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After a massive lecture about Jack’s absence of coursework from his science teacher, he bolted it out the classroom. He didn’t like leaving Alex alone for too long, especially considering what had happened recently. Jack walked as fast as he could to Alex who was on the floor, sat against the wall.


Alex looked up and Jack could tell by the look in his eyes that something was wrong.

“Are you okay, Lex?”

“I don’t know.” He snapped back.

“What do you mean?”

“As in, I don’t know Jack. I don’t know if I’m alright with anything.”

“What’s happened?”

Alex spoke as if he was lost in his own thoughts. “I don’t know if I can cope with anything now Jack.” Alex sighed.

Jack shook Alex and Alex’s facial expressions changed sharpish into some anger that Jack had never seen before.

“LEAVE ME ALONE JACK.” Alex got up and stormed off out the building and out the college gates. Jack followed him but kept his distance. He could hear Alex cursing to himself.

“Alex, you’re a fucking idiot. Why do you have to mess up everything?!” Alex muttered to himself. He sat down in front of the tree just outside of the college gates and tears began to form. Jack stayed back, hiding behind a nearby car just in earshot of Alex’s voice.

“I need to tell Jack, I need to tell Jack.” Jack could hear the sad emotion in Alex’s voice. He just wanted to go over and cuddle Alex but that wouldn’t make things any better considering anyone could look out the science block window and see them both. There was complete silence for a few minutes and Jack wasn’t sure if this was his cue to go and speak to Alex. However, Alex’s whimpers soon clouded his mind. Jack had to go over and calm Alex down; he hated the sound of his cries. Jack slowly crawled out of his hiding place and sat down beside Alex, not saying a word. A few more cries were heard before Alex rested his head on Jack’s shoulder.

“Jack, I-I’m so sorry,” Alex was in full-blown tears now.

“Come on, let’s get you out of here.” Jack soothed, helping Alex to his feet.


“You can tell me everything you want when we get back to mine, okay?”

Alex nodded and sniffed, following Jack to his car. Jack unlocked the car, clambered in and started up the engine. He didn’t care what college would say to him about skiving the afternoon off. This involved Alex and in Jack’s eyes, the world stopped when something was wrong with him.


The car ride to Jack’s was silent apart from Alex’s occasional sniffle. As soon as they arrived at Jack’s, Jack quickly got out the car and Alex followed quietly behind, shutting the door timidly. As soon as the door closed, Jack turned around to face Alex. Alex slowly moved towards Jack and wrapped his arms around him.

“I’m sorry Jack, I didn’t mean to say any of that. I didn’t mean to snap at yo-” Alex was cut off by Jack’s lips connecting with his own. Jack lifted Alex up, wrapped his legs around Jack’s waist and carried him over to the sofa trying not to break the connection.

A few seconds silence had passed after Jack had laid himself down on the sofa with Alex still in his arms, when Alex broke into the silence.

“Alexandra threatened me today.” Alex buried his head in Jack’s chest.

“What happened?”

“I got out of class as quickly as I could and I couldn’t see you. I was immediately scared… and then…” Alex gulped. “Then Aaron walked up behind me and starting speaking and put me up against the lockers… Alexandra overheard Aaron calling me gay and then…she said she was going to have fun with it and that after everyone knew, I’d be so popular.” Jack tightened his grip on Alex.

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