Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 7

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Jack was taken back when Alex responded and wrapped his hands around Jack’s waist. After a few minutes, Jack cleared his throat and Alex slowly pulled away. Alex opened his eyes and smiled at Jack, and Jack returned the smile. Alex gave Jack a swift kiss on his nose and sat up.

“Sorry,” were the first words that came out of Jack’s mouth.

“You’ve done nothing wrong.” Alex cooed.

Jack’s face’s was struck with thunder. “Alex, I can’t do this.”

Alex’s face went from happiness to utter sadness. “You can’t do what?”

“Us. This isn’t going to work.” Jack put his head in his hands. He could feel tears streaming down his face.

Alex’s voice cracked. “Jack, I-” he stuttered, lost for words.

“I’m sorry Alex.” Jack stormed past Alex and ran down the stairs.

Alex stood rooted to the spot and listened to Jack’s footsteps slowly fade. Tears flooded Alex’s face. Should he have kissed Jack back? What was Jack on about? Jack seemed content with Alex being close and Alex was on his own little planet when their skin touched. Alex lay face down on his bed, head buried in his pillow. In between cries, Alex tried to think of a good reason why Jack had said everything he had.

It was getting late and Alex was getting worried about Jack. Jack hadn’t returned all day; not for lunch or dinner for that matter of fact. It was when Alex had put his coat on and was about to venture outside that Jack turned up on Alex’s doorstep. Jack noticed Alex’s red raw eyes and once he’d closed the door behind him, he pulled Alex into his arms and carried him upstairs. Jack lay Alex down on his bed and gave him a sympathetic look.

“I’m so sorry Lex.” Jack pressed his hand on Alex’s back.

Alex didn’t say a word. He didn’t know what to say.

“Alex, I can explain why I said we wouldn’t work. I went out to think things through.”

Alex looked up at Jack, gesturing for him to continue.

“This town isn’t an ideal place for guys to hook up. I’ve seen things I wish I hadn’t. Two guys dating is forbidden around here. If anyone was to find out, of which somehow someone does, it would be hell for the two guys. They get tortured to death. You may think I’m joking and I’m making up excuses but if you don’t believe me, ask around. It’s not safe here.”

Alex sat up and rubbed his eyes. “So what you’re saying is, gay couples aren’t accepted round here?”

“Yeah, basically, but I think we need to discuss about our situation.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not attracted to boys, but when I think about you, it’s different.”

“I know how you feel.”

“Thing is though, I’d take a bullet for you. If you died, I’d commit suicide just to be with you.”

“I feel the same Jack. I’m not attracted to boys either, but I’ve never felt so protective over someone.”

“If this is going to work, we’re going to have to be extra careful and I mean extra.”


“At college, we’ll act just like friends, okay?”


“What do your parents think about guys dating?”

“I don’t think they mind as long as they don’t see it.”

“Hm. Well my mum is clearly on the town’s bandwagon and won’t accept it so we’ll have to look out for her.”


“That’s it I think, except for when we go out together, we’ll just act like friends.”

“What about Rian and Zack? Are we gonna tell them anything?”

“Do you want them to know?”

“I don’t mind. They’re your friends.”

“I’ll think about it. I think they’ll be cool with it though.”

“Are we cool now?”

Jack pressed his lips gently against Alex’s. “Does that answer your question?” Jack smiled.

“Yeah.” Alex laughed and then sighed. “I’m knackered.”

Jack wrapped his arms around Alex and after a few minutes he heard light snores from the boy below.


When Jack and Alex arrived at Pinehurst College, everything seemed fine. Jack and Alex headed over to Rian and Zack and began to talk about evening classes. Everything was fine until Alexandra made her way over.

“Hey Jack, how’s it going?” she purposely flicked her hair showing off her new facial surgery.

“And what do you want?”

“Oh nothing, I’m just here to let you know, if you ever want to take me back, I’ll be here.” Alexandra strutted off and Jack sighed.

“I’m glad she’s gone.” Jack turned to Alex who gave him a weak smile.

“You okay Lex?”

“Yeah, just feel a bit sick.”

“We can head home if you want?”

“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll be okay.”

Jack sneakily grabbed Alex’s hand and squeezed gently. Alex looked up at Jack and then back down at the ground. Rian noticed the hand movement and raised his eyebrows.

“Are you two f-”

“Shhhh!” Jack hissed.

“What? So it’s true?!” Rian narrowed his eyes, fists clenched.

“Uh…” Jack didn’t have an excuse to use. He slowly met Rian’s gaze and Jack could see his bottom lip trembling.

“This is unreal. You just wait ‘til the whole of Baltimore hears about this!” Rian turned and headed the other way. Zack didn’t know where to look. Jack and Alex looked at each other in absolute fear. What was going to happen now?

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