Handcuffs and Alibis - Part 11

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“Shit man! You okay?” The guys face fell as soon as he realized whom he’d hit.

“Yeah, but back the fuck off Alex, right?”

“Sure Jack, sorry we caused a problem in the first place.” They didn’t know where to look.

“Just go.” Jack wheezed. Alex was still frozen in shock behind Jack.

After the guys had walked off, Alex spoke up.



“Why did you do that?”

“Well did you want to get fucking hit?” Jack hissed.

Alex didn’t like Jack’s tone of voice at all. He moved round to help Jack who was currently on his knees trying to find his breath.

“Jack?” Alex spoke once again, after he’d got Jack to his feet.


“What’s your problem?” Alex’s eyes narrowed.

“What’s my problem with what?”

“Your fucking attitude, that’s what.”

“You’re my fucking problem.” Jack snapped back, instantly regretting what he’d just said.

Before Alex could even refrain, he slung his arm back and smashed his fist into the side of Jack’s face. Jack fell to the floor and peered up slightly. What the hell had just happened?

“Screw you Jack!” Just as Alex turned in the opposite direction, Jack caught the look in his eye. Angry was an understatement. Alex was livid.

As soon as Alex had disappeared out of sight, Jack scrambled to his feet and ran outside into the student’s car park. Jack grabbed his car keys and drove at a high speed to Alex’s house.  Jack had managed to get Alex’s keys earlier on in the day, as Alex had been pulled into after school detention, so he had no trouble getting in. As soon as Jack pulled up, he unlocked the door with ease and ran up the stairs into Alex’s room. He grabbed his travel bag and started packing all of his things together. Jack needed to go away for a few days, maybe weeks. He hadn’t meant to snap at Alex, some anger had just come over him and Alex was just there, at the wrong place at the wrong time.

After looking up train times on the computer, Jack checked the house over once more making sure he hadn’t forgotten any of his belongings. When he was totally sure he hadn’t forgotten anything, Jack carried his bag downstairs and placed it by the front door. He tried not to shed a tear as he took his final look at the Gaskarth’s living room and proceeded out of the front door. Jack locked the door, placed the key under the mat and loaded the bag into the car, but as he headed round to the drivers seat, he heard Alex’s yells from down the street.

“JACK, DON’T GO.” Jack could see the tears streaming down his face as Alex approached. If Jack didn’t get in the car now, he wouldn’t have a chance of getting away, sorting his head out.

“JACK PLEASE.” Alex was sobbing violently and Jack was starting to weaken. However he ignored the cries, got into the car and the tyres screeched, as Jack pressed down hard on the accelerator. Jack couldn’t even look at Alex as he drove past the boy. A few minutes after Jack had drove off from Alex’s, he pulled over into a lay-by. The tears pouring out of Jack’s eyes were blocking his sight and his heart was aching. This was going to be much harder than he originally thought.


Alex couldn’t even register what day it was anymore. Ever since Jack had left, Alex hadn’t moved from his bed. Alex’s mum had been trying her best to comfort him but it hadn’t worked, he’d just ended up crying even more. Alex couldn’t even get to sleep and he blamed Jack for that. If Jack hadn’t have walked into his life, maybe things would be different. If Alex hadn’t have moved here, Jack wouldn’t have been in Alex’s life and maybe he would be fast asleep now, not worrying about anything but that wasn’t the case.

Jack hadn’t returned to Alex’s for two weeks now and each day, Alex lost a little bit of hope of him ever returning. It broke Alex’s heart that the guy he was crazy about was gone. Out of his life within a couple of weeks and Alex didn’t even have a clue what had triggered off the argument. For the first time since, Alex dragged himself out of bed and headed downstairs. His mum had gone to work so he was in the house alone and for that, he was glad. He could sob into his chest all he wanted without being interrogated. Alex made himself a cup of tea before trying to hide himself into the corner of the living room sofa. He grabbed the TV remote but before he could even press any of the buttons, there was a knock at the door. Alex ignored it at first, hoping it would go away but it wouldn’t. He reluctantly headed over to the front door, opened it and stared in shock as he realized who it was.


Alex was cut off as Jack placed his hands around Alex’s neck and smashed their lips together. 

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