Chapter: 2

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I remember her. I remember everything from when I was 4, but did she call me? No. I even requested to talk to her, but she was always to busy and shit.

Always out and about or we just couldn't be in contact. I even came back when I was 12 for a week but she wouldn't even pay attention to me.

What I don't understand is, why don't she remember me?

I really had feelings for this girl, when I was 14 I even told people I had a girlfriend back in LA. That's how much I liked her, but shit changed. She changed, acting fake and shit towards me. We never spoke after I left when I was 4.

I tried but it wasn't the same.

So I don't like her, I'm done trying to hang with her. I'm here for my family and my homies.

I pretend like I don't remember her for a reason. I don't need her trying to be my friend or some shit cause I'm through with all that.

Then she got another guy best friend? Yea, I see clearly that we nothing and she's not important to me anymore.

When I first saw her, to be honest I was surprised she even looked that good. Her gray eyes with her nice skin complexion and good ass body shape.

I noticed her taking out the trash first, but didn't pay no mind. I saw her staring at me, but I didn't care no more.

When we moved that's when shit went down hill for us. The first two years was good. Dad had a job, mom was working to and I got my little sister.

But, after awhile my mom started to get sick, with many headaches. Dad took her to hospitals over and over to see what was up, but they didn't know.

So she ended up visiting a specialist. They found a tumor.

Hearing that was the worse news. She had a brain tumor and it could've bursted at any time. We could have gotten her surgery but dad couldn't afford it.

So I notice him leaving and coming home late, coming home drunk while mom was sleep in the room.

After following him one day I figured he turned to the streets, and that's what I did.

Finally when we had the time to pay for the surgery my mom had a brain aneurysm in her sleep causing her to die.

I broke after that. I didn't care for nothing but my family. I had girls I fucked, but no strings attached because that's how it was dealing with a guy like me.

No one was there for me but my family and Shane. Years got worse with the streets and we got in trouble with the streets and we had to leave once my dad found out.

So we moved back to LA.

That's my story.

"We here bro." Shane patted my back, interrupting me from my thoughts. I nod getting out the car.

"Aaye we bout ta turn up!" Caleb yell jumping out the car. The music was booming and the house looked full.

"Wait, who looked after the house when you was gone?" Bria asked stepping out the car, with the help of Javon who was staring at her.

Is she clueless? Obviously, this nigga like her but she ignores that shit.

Is she dumb?

"Mathew." Shane answer. Soon as the skinny girl got out of the car he walked beside her.

The other girl was walking beside Bria while Denise was talking to Caleb.

"Glad to have you back Malik, it's been awhile." Brandon say.

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