Chapter: 10

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It took Malik and I 20 minutes to get in the skating rink. The extra 5 because I had to look through my purse for my I.D. Inside the place looked full. There were different groups, and they all were standing in line for their skates.

I didn't recognize most faces, and the ones I did I never bothered to speak to. I sat down while Malik pulled out his phone.


While hearing his conversation, I glanced around the place once more out of boredom.

"Yea we're here already."

I caught notice of Noah, who was with his basketball teammates.

"Me and Bria." I looked at Malik at the sound of my name.

"It's not like that bro," his gaze fell on me for like 3 seconds until he looked towards a group of girls wearing booty shorts and high socks. "When are you coming?"

"We're right here." Shane say walking up with Cleo right beside him. Her hair was curled while wearing black tights and a blue tank top. I stood up quickly and hugged Cleo.

"Where's everybody else?" I asked her as we released from our hug.

"Jocelyn caught a ride with us, but she said she had to go to the bathroom."

"Good come on, let's go find her." I grabbed Cleo's arm and we walked towards the bathroom at a quick pace.
"Biiiitch," Denise say flying into me with skates on.

"How long you been here?" I ask looking down at her skates. She was holding onto me like her life depended on it.

"I cut in front of Brandon," She smiled slowly riding towards the wall for support. "Honestly, do you think I would wait that long? Them lines are to long."

"So you came with Brandon huh?" Cleo smirk. Making my way into the bathroom I ran into someone.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologize. I notice Jocelyn. "Oh! Where you been? Seems as if you went ghost on us." I joke.

Jocelyn smiles at me, we began to walk towards Cleo and Denise.

"To much on my plate." She replies. Denise and Cleo looks at us before rushing Jocelyn.

"Whoa whoa! Calm down y'all I'm here ain't I?" She smile, holding both hands up in a gesture of surrendering.

"No! You act like you been to busy for us!" Cleo frowns while crossing her arms.

"Can we discuss this over there," I point towards the line "the line looks like it's getting longer."

"Alright," Denise tried to steady herself on the wall but she was slowly rolling backwards while wiggling. I started laughing because she was panicking. "Help me! Quit laughing!" She yells at us.

Cleo ran towards her and grabbed her. She steadied Denise before pushing her slowly to the skating floor. She rolls down and clutch the wall. Me and Jocelyn stands by the hall of the bathroom watching them both in amusement.

I felt a poke at my arm and look at Jocelyn. "Let's wait in line," She points at Malik and Shane as they both walked in line. I rushed over there seeing a group of like 7 people readying to position themselves behind them.

In a quick rush we manage to make it just in time for them to stand behind us. Jocelyn bursts out laughing causing Malik, Shane and I to look at her.

"What's funny?" I ask just as Cleo runs and cuts in front of the group behind us standing beside me.

"They mad cause we made it before they did." She says a little to loudly. I look to the group behind us who all glanced at me the same time I looked at them. I'm pretty sure they heard Jocelyn though. 3 out of 7 were girls and the rest were guys.

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