Chapter: 5

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First day of school...


That's my first thought of it. Have you ever felt as if summer just wasn't long enough?

I know everybody felt that way, don't act like you haven't.

"Ma said wake the fuck up." Nina say barging through the doors.

I rolled my eyes already feeling annoyed for the day.

"Aren't you suppose to be at college or something?" I ask pushing myself off the bed and into my closet.

"That's none of your business." She mumble before slamming my door.

"I swear one of these days..." I mutter going through my clothes in the closet.

After picking a simple yet nice outfit I went off to the shower ready to get this day over with.

After my long shower, I curled my hair put on some eyeliner and some clear lip gloss. I tied my shoes and headed down stairs where I smelt bacon. I heard the morning chatter as usual.

Turning the corner I saw almost everybody at the table except Nina.

"Where is Nina? Not that I care." I ask grabbing the plate my mom passed to me.

"She decided to eat in her room." My mom answer making another plate "where's your brother?"

"Which one?" Denise ask "if you asking for Isaac, he with dad in the garage."

"Exactly who I'm asking for." Mom say just as Isaac walk through the door, except for Isaiah. My dad walked through the door with his keys in hand.

"Where the lil nigga at?" He ask looking around the kitchen. "He acting lazy and I need to go."

"I don't know I thought he was with you." My mom say putting her stuff down. "Let me check on him." She left the kitchen up the stairs.

"What was y'all doing in the garage?" Denise asked.

"He was getting on me about lifting weights and all that." Denise rolled her eyes.


"Shut the hell up before I have you lifting 20 pounds." Dad say thumping her forehead.

"I don't wanna go to school!" Isaiah say with an attitude stomping into the kitchen.

"To bad you have to." I tease. Isaiah picked up a banana and threw it at me. I laughed throwing it right back at him.

"Dad did you just see that?" Isaiah.

"You mean you throwing the banana at her? Yea I did. Somebody wanna get they ass whooped." Dad said playfully. Isaiah huffed stomping out the kitchen.

Dad gave me dap before walking out. I laughed.

"You ready?" Denise asked me.

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