Chapter: 18

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Paula (Cashes)

I snatch the girls and push them out the doors of the restaurant tired of all this shit.

Dewayne walking out just as angry as I am.

"Y'all fuckin embarrassed us!" I say smacking Nina upside the head, I hit Denise next.

The boys lingered behind me, scared I might hit them next.

"Aye, what the fuck you doing here!" Dewayne yell going towards Bria and Rolland?

"Watch your brothers," I direct Denise "you follow me," I say eyeing her before she walked beside me with an attitude.

"I don't give a fuck about your attitude, fix that shit when you around me or Ima fix it for you!" I snap at Nina. Denise snorted "you shut the fuck up!" I say to Denise. She got quiet.

We approached Rolland and Bria who was crying. Dewayne grabbed her away from Rolland.

"Fuck you doing here man?" Dewayne say irritated. I stood beside him, arms crossed.

"Comforting my daughter obviously," he say standing up.

"I told you to stay away from my family," Dewayne warned.

"So I can't see my daughter now? My blood daughter," he say purposefully.

"You wasn't in her life most of it," Dewayne added.

"Hey," he hold both his hands up in a surrender gesture "just being a good father," he chuckles before turning to Bria. "If you need me just call me."

He passed her a blank paper, Dewayne snatched it and ripped it. Rolland frowned, and pulled out another one.

What the fuck?

"Here," he walked towards her, but Dewayne stood in front of her.

"Move you weird ass bitch nigga damn! That's my fucking daughter, the daughter I can't see because y'all took that fucking right, huh Paula? " he turn to me.

"Wait what?" Bria ask looking from me to Rolland.

"Your mom!" He say clenching his jaw "that bitch over there-"

"Watch that fucking word!" Dewayne say.

"She took my rights to see you, because of one accidental situation. That's why I haven't been in your fucking life!" He had his fist balled up.

"Is he serious mom!?" I yell.

"No, he's lying." I say getting pissed off.

"Am I? I made calls, but guess who ignored them? They did." He say.

"No the hell you didn't what the fuck you talking bout," I say rubbing my temples.

"I got locked up cause of you, served 2 years grimey ass bitch." Dewayne was about to come at him, but I stopped him.

"Wait what the fuck are you talking about?"

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