Chapter: 4

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"So I heard y'all recruiting soon." I watch my dad walk through the house and sit on the couch with Chance and Red following straight behind.

"Yea, it's about that time." Chance say leaning into the couch looking calm. I peeked my head around the corner once again wondering do they know I'm there.

"We know you're there Malik!" Red say, did he read my mind?

I decided to just go back upstairs before my dad told me off. This was obviously business, and I guess he didn't want me to get caught in this fast life again.

Walking to my room, I pass by Maliya's noticing her sitting down looking lonely.

"Why you still in here? You can be out making friends." I comment.

"I was hanging with some other girl, but she had to go." She shrug. She turned the tv on and laid on the bed. I was about to lay with her until I felt my phone vibrate.

I opened the text from Shane.


Come outside

Recieved: 10:02

"I'll talk to you later lil sis." She nod waving me off. I walk downstairs pass my dad and his company walking, out the door.

The whole group was in front of me. Shane, Brandon, Caleb and Javon.

"Took you long enough." Brandon comment as I smacked hands with all of them. I sucked my teeth and pushed Brandon.

"Nigga shut up, I barely got the text." After awhile of joking around we started walking towards Shane auntie house next door to mines.

"Why are we coming here?" I ask confused.

"Get the girls or whatever we going to the mall. I need some more shoes. The girls wanted to tag along."

"I wanted to leave they asses." Brandon muttered.

"I couldn't weird ass or I wouldn't be able to go." I busted out laughing while Shane glared at me.

"Ahhh!! You gotta bring yo cousin!" I teased. He pushed me and I stumbled slightly. I stop laughing a little while after we approached the door.

Paula opened the door and smiled. "Hey Auntie," Shane hugged her.

"Hey babies!" She pulled us all in kissing each one of us. We all groaned as she laughed.

"Y'all wanna see the girls?" She ask.

"Nah, we came here for Isaac." Shane reply with a blank face. I held in my laughter at his sarcasm. Paula narrowed her eyes at him, then smirked.

"Isaac!!" She yell.

"No auntie I was just playing! No! No more people!" He say grabbing her arm. Isaac ran down with gummy worms hanging out his mouth and a play station 4 remote control dangling from his hands.

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