I throw a jab towards Bria face, she dodges it and throw one at me. I catch her wrist, twist her arm behind her back and put it in a lock.
She struggles in my hold. Having her this close makes me want to..
"Malik!" Shane yell, by the time I can even react I was flipped over her shoulder.
"Man what fuck bro!" I snap growing agitated. Shane chuckles before helping me up.
"You was the one with your nose practically in her neck," he laugh "I tried to help, but it was to late." he smirk before walking off.
Today was the third day we been doing this combat training bullshit, and Bria has gotten better.
At first it was easy for me to put her on her back, but by each day it gets a little more complicated.
"Alright let's do this again." I say. She groans and stomp her feet like a little ass kid.
"Little ass kid." I mumble. She looks at me and flip me the bird. I chuckle before we get in fighting stance. I step out of stance and circle her to check if her stance was correct.
She glanced at me quickly before staring at nothing. I fix her arms before I get in front of her and prepare myself.
I make the first move with a quick jab to the stomach, in which she bounce back. I throw another quick one, which barely skinned the side of her face.
She quickly throws two quick combos at me in which I avoid. We keep going like this for the next 30 minutes.
She drops on the mat and close her eyes breathing heavily.
"Tired already?"
"Tired of this shit," she mumble wiping the sweat off her forehead.
"Today is the last day, and then you fight tomorrow," I say sitting next to her.
She sits up quickly "wait what?"
"You fight tomorrow," I say with a smirk.
"I hope I'm not fighting you." she say pushing a stray hair from out of her face.
"Why? Scared I'ma beat yo ass." I laugh leaning back on my elbows.
"I don't wanna bruise your little ego," she pats my head lightly like I'm a dog. I remove her hand and smirk.
"You don't have nothing on me baby girl."
"Yeah yeah whatever," she waves off "who do you think I'm gonna fight tomorrow?" she ask leaning on her elbows as well.
"Shit I don't know," I shrug looking at everyone else just lounge around the weight room. "But you betta win, cause we didn't work this hard to lose."
"What does this have to do with you?" she ask laying back, laying her arm across her eyes with her knee positioned up.
"I trained you, so if you lose I will look stupid." I say honestly.