This week we went through hell and back. For the rest of the week we just did a variety of things, and being a corner boy is one. We all had to split, but I was making more money on weed then anything else.
The feds already saw what was going down, so I ran. They chased me until I hopped a fence, hit a corner, and went into the alleyway before they can see me.
That was a close call.
We all had different assignments. I don't know what they had the girls doing. See Shane had the action though, he went with a crew and did a drive by on some people who so called robbed our people, from the newer corner boys.
They were gangbangers.
They had a shooting range, we took an oath, tought us the proper way to fight, and learned how to manipulate.
Next week we're on our own, but that wasn't what I was worried about, my thoughts drifted to Bria.
I'm not even gonna deny it this time. There was a numerous amount of times that I watched her do what we all had to do. She came in weak, but in time she was progressing. They taught us the basics of self defense, what she didn't lack. The only problem was the way she shoot, she didn't have no accuracy.
Since I already knew what we was doing, they had me help those in need. I was patrolling the guns, while also helping them shoot the gun properly.
They put me on the floor with the girls. Many of them didn't even know what they were doing, so I genuinely helped them. You had the females who were so thirsty, and acted as if they couldn't shoot for shit.
This is what I was doing at this moment. Watching the females try to gain my attention was amusing, yet annoying because they were easy targets. Barely any of them was focused, since I am an attractive guy.
One girl tried so hard to the point her boobs was literally touching my nose, why she had to be that close, I don't even know.
I sat down in the chair watching as almost every girl fail at shooting. They held the guns wrong, they put it to close to their eyes, they start swinging it knowing it's not on safety.
Some were stupid as fuck.
I shook my head and stood up as a girl pointed the gun to another girl playfully. The other girl looked scared.
"The shit ain't a toy, so stop playing with it like it is!" I snatched the gun from her and sat it down. The girl caught an attitude and walked off.
I turn to walk away, when I heard a 'ah shit' and a hiss. I look to the right where the sound came from and see Bria jumping on one leg holding her foot, the gun laying on the floor.
I rush to her (not to fast, cause I don't wanna seem thirsty), and picked the gun up sitting it down on the table. "You alright?"
She look annoyed, but nodded nonetheless. "I shot it, but the force of the gun was to strong, I dropped it on my foot. It's heavy as hell." She stood up straight.
"That's because you don't know how to hold it right." I reply shrugging. She side eyed me.
"Since you know what you're doing, then teach me." She crossed her arms over her chest. I glanced at her chest, as her breast looked a little nice in the white tank top she was wearing. See Bria, wasn't as thick as most girls I know, but I always had an interest in girls who were slim and curvaceous. Thick was good, but I preferred slim.