School for the past two weeks have been nothing but boring. I'm getting used to the gang shit.
I even went to a strip club being bate. That's what we do most then be corner "girls".
Instead of making enemies with the females here, me and Denise has gotten closer to them.
At first it started off rocky with them jealous bitches, but it's a thin line between love and hate.
We know when to tolerate each other, and we know when to stop when things get out of hand.
We learned that the hard way.
Many people got dropped from the game. Either they wasn't cut for the life, or they simply quit.
They took an oath to keep quiet about the organization, and if know what happens after.
Walking through the school halls, I see Javon with a group of his new friends.
I looked in his direction which he didn't spare me a glance, so I looked away.
I can feel his eyes watching me from behind though, so I quickly turned. Just as I thought, as fast as I turned, he looked away just as quick. I shook my head and walked in another direction. I started thinking about how things would've played out differently that night if he didn't hit me back-
My mind came to a stop when I saw Malik and Vanessa kissing in the halls.
"Um... My sorry," I say quickly turning in another direction.
My sorry? Are you fucking serious!?
Why the fuck am I mad? Why do I feel hurt?
Fuck it, I don't have to feel no type of way, he ain't nobody to me.
Just as I stopped my mind from thinking about Malik I ran into someone.
"Babyyyy!!" Noah say crushing me.
"Oh my fuck Noah," I say to Noah who held me tight.
"Bria," Malik rushed to me looking like a deer caught in headlights. I just looked at him.
"Look it was-"
"Why are you explaining yourself to me," I say sourly "that's not needed," and then I walked off.
I don't know why I'm feeling so much emotions at once. I pulled my phone out and dialed Denise.
She picked up the phone on the third ring.
"This is Denise's hotline, so keep making it bling," my face went blank at that.
"Coca Cola."
She gasps "meet me in front of the school," and she hangs up.
I smile a little and head to the front, ready for this day to end.