Chapter 1 - The Accident

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  • Dedicated to Stephenie Meyer

    Walking to school in the rain can be pretty relaxing, if you didn't get so wet and soggy. That is one thing Forks, Washington is known for. The rain. I like the sound of rain and that is pretty much it. I don't mind walking in the rain with my umbrella, so usually that is how I get to Forks High School every morning. As I got to the driveway of the school I heard loud screams, and panicky voices. I started to walk faster to the school and that is when I saw it. Isabella Swan, the new girl, was pinned between Tyler Crowley's car and another students car. I couldn't believe my eyes. I stood there, in shock as I heard the sound of sirens slowly coming closer. A few teachers, and the Physical Education teacher pulled the cars apart so they could get Isabella out. But she looked so weak and fragile, almost as if she didn't survive. The paramedics strapped her on a gurney and set her in the back of the ambulance. They school parking lot was filled with panicking students and teachers, however the only calm students were the Cullen's. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett were all standing around their fancy cars staring at the scene. But one member of the Cullen family was missing: Edward. It isn't weird for him to be absent, but ever since Isabella arrived at Forks High School he has been absent almost every single day. Except for her first day, but on that day he looked very angry and annoyed. I wonder what is going on....

    "Hey Cassandra!" Jessica called out to me as she was pushing through a crowd. She looked eager for some gossip today. She didn't even look concerned about Isabella.

   "Jess, can you believe what just happened to Isabella!?" I asked her in shock that she didn't even seem to care.

 She rolled her eyes, "Ugh seriously Cassie, who cares about her. She was boring anyways. Had no good gossip for me to spread around."

    I stared at Jessica in shock that she could be so rude and inconsiderate, especially in a moment where one of our classmates could be dead. Honestly, I don't see why I am friends with her. Instead of explaining to her how self-centered and stuck up she is acting, I just walked away. She wouldn't have cared what I had to say about her anyway.  Since Isabella and Tyler had to go to the hospital, students were allowed to go home for the rest of the day or visit them in Forks Hospital. I chose to go visit them, because unlike some people I actually care.

  When I arrived at the hospital Dr. Cullen, (the Cullen's adoptive father) informed me that Isabella didn't have much time left. And even though I hardly knew her, I decided to visit her room. Dr. Cullen said it was fine since she basically had only a little while longer. I walked into the white room and say her laying there, lifeless. She looked like she was well aware of her future, despite being in such a terrible accident.

  "Hi Isabella, it's me Cassandra, from school. I don't know if you know me." I said to her in a light voice trying to be very calm towards her.

  "Bella." She corrected me in a weak voice. Amazing, even though she is basically on her death bed she still acts so normal. Her chocolate brown eyes stared at me, as if I was making her uncomfortable.

  "Is my dad outside?" she asked me as she continued to stare at me, blankly with no expression.

 "Uh, well I don't know. I could check for you." I offered as I walked out of the room and scanned the waiting room for a sign of Chief Swan. A few seconds later I saw him.

  "Hello, Cheif Swan!" I called out to him hoping he'd hear me.  
   His eyes met my gaze, and he hurriedly came over to me.

  "Are you one of Bella's friends? Please tell me she's alright!" He pleaded towards me. He looked so helpless and disoriented.

   "Well yeah sort of, I hardly know her but we both go to school together. And no, she isn't doing well. You might want to check with Dr. Cullen." I replied to him, trying to say it as calmly and nicely as I could. His face fell, he looked as if he was about to cry.

   "Ah, Hello Charlie." Dr. Cullen said to Chief Swan. 

   He stood up, "Hello Carlisle, how is my Bella doing? Please tell me she is going to be okay."

   Carlisle looked at Charlie as if he was thinking about how to tell him in the best way possible.

  "Charlie, I'm sorry. But she is not going to make it." Carlise said to him putting his hand on his shoulder. Charlie's face got very red, same with his eyes.

  "Can I go see her?" He pleaded, looking so helpless.

  "Certainly, Charlie. I'll be in right behind you." Carlisle and Charlie then left the room going to see Bella for the last time.

  I was sitting in the waiting room, a long with some of the other students and a few of Tyler's family members. Tyler was going to make it, all he had was a few bumps and bruises and a cut on his forehead. Bella on the other hand, wasn't as lucky. I felt so, emotionless. I didn't know what to think or feel. I knew Bella was gone when I saw Charlie leave the room to use the phone. I knew I should leave so I grabbed my coat and walked out of the hospital. On the way out I saw a figure standing in front of Forks Hospital looking so depressed in the rain.

 The figure was Edward Cullen.

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