Chapter 10 - The Cullens

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   For the next few weeks after my tranformation, Edward and I would mostly explore parts we haven't seen of Isle Esme. We saw a few exotic birds, which was interesting, and we saw a few more waterfalls. This time Edward and I both could jump down with out worrying about myself getting hurt.

   Edward and I were planning on staying until everyone we knew at Forks, died off, because we couldn't go back. If they saw us they would knew I had changed and vampires would be exposed. And if that happened, all hell would break loose.

  Today though, was a special day. Edward and I were planning on calling Carlisle, Esme and his family to tell them all that has happened since we have been here. He hadn't called because of how much has gone on, but he figured now is as good as any time to call them. Also, since the transformation, my eyes have changed from a crimson red color, to topaz, golden, like Edward's since I am on the diet of animals only blood.

  "Edward, when are you going to call them?" I asked him. I knew he was going to soon, but I wanted to be sure.

  "There is a change of plans, love. Instead of calling, They planned to visit. They want to see you." Edward said to me.

"Wow, this will be the first time I met them all as a family, and as your fiancée."  I said, kind of shocked. I wish I had met them sooner...

"Don't be nervous, they are excited to finally meet you, especially Esme and Alice. Ever since I mentioned your name they have been dead set on meeting you." Edward said to be reassuringly.

I was glad to finally meet them, but it is weird since Edward is already my fiancé and I am a vampire.

"I am not really nervous, it is just weird since I am already engaged to you and a vampire." I said to him.

"Don't worry about it Cassandra, it will go very nicely."

"When will they be here?"

"In about 5 minutes."

"Should we tidy up before they do?" I said now getting nervous.

Edward chuckled, "Relax it is already overly clean."

He was starting to make me feel a little relaxed but still...

"If you don't get relaxed I can always ask Jasper to help." Edward said jokingly.

"Oh yeah I forgot he can control your emotions. That'll probably help actually." I laughed back.

Then there was a knock on the door. I got tense.

"Relax," Edward whispered and smiled in a supportive way.

"Come in!" Edward said louder.

Then they came inside. Carlisle and Esme were first, then Alice and Jasper, and then Rosalie and Emmett.

"It is so nice to finally meet you!" Esme said as she hugged me.

"It is nice to meet you too, Esme!" I replied smiling. Suddenly I didn't feel nervous anymore... Jasper.

Carlisle came to me next, "It is nice to have you a part of our family now, Cassandra." He smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Thank you, Carlisle." I said to him.

Next came Alice, she looked very eager to meet me. She hugged me first and then introduced herself, "Hi Cassandra! I'm Alice. It is very nice to meet you." She definitely seemed the most enthusiastic of them.

"Hey nice to meet ya." Emmett said grinning. They all seemed pretty enthused and genuinely happy to be here, except for Rosalie...

"Hi Rosalie, it is nice to meet you." I said to her kindly.

"Hi." Is all she said in return.

"Ignore her," I heard Edward whisper to me.

I was confused. Why does Rosalie seem so annoyed with me. I've never done anything wrong.

"So Cassandra, do you enjoy this island?" Esme asked me when she noticed the tension between Rosalie and I.

"Yes, it is very beautiful. Thank you for letting Edward and I stay here." I replied to her.

"Oh don't thank us, we're glad to have you part of the family! Edward was lonely for some time and he needed someone. I am very glad your here." Esme said again, in a very kind tone.

"It's nice to have a new person in the family." Jasper said.

I smiled. I knew I was going to have a fun time with my new family.

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