Chapter 4 - Learning More

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  There we were, lying on the beach. A little voice inside my head was telling me that this was totally wrong and that staying here, away from my family, was a very bad thing. Especially since they are probably worried out of their minds. But I ignored that little voice and listened to my heart. I knew I had deep feelings for Edward, there was no denying that. But I felt like a stupid teenage girl out of a movie, falling in love with someone she just met. I just couldn't imagine myself being that girl. Never. But I am now, the girl who falls in love with a boy that she hardly knew before. I guess I had reasons. I mean, he saved my life, he is kind, he is beautifully good-looking. And he basically risked everything to keep me safe. I can't stop anymore. Love shouldn't be this difficult...

 I looked to him, he was shining in the beautiful sunset. His skin was basically glistening, which amazed me.

 "Hello there." He smiled at me looking into my eyes. It isn't fair how he is able to dazzle me like this. He is stunningly handsome, and there I was, an average girl lying next to him.

"Hi, Edward." I smiled back. It felt great to say his name so cooly.  However, we really need to talk about James, and what we are going to do about him. He is pretty much hunting me, and we can't just let that go.

"Edward, we need to talk about James. Why does he want me? Why is he doing this?" I asked him, trying to stay calm, but it is pretty difficult to stay calm in a situation like this.

He sighed, and then looked into my eyes, "Cassandra, James is lethal. He won't stop until he gets what he wants, and what he wants is you. He wants your blood, and the only way he'll stop is if we kill him first. My sister, Alice, saw him coming. Before Bella passed, James was going to go after her instead. But since she is gone, he went for the next person who came along. Which is you. He is attracted to your scent, his mind is set to chase you until he finds you. He will go on forever until he finally gets you. But he never will, I will never allow it. You don't have to worry. I will keep you safe, and this monster will be gone."

I was staring at him, shocked about this whole thing. I was in disbelief.

"This is all way too much, I feel like you and I are just going way to fast." I said to him slowly, watching his facial expression. He was smiling at me, the same crooked smile he did earlier.

"I know, but it's different with you. I feel like I can give you everything and stay with you." He said to me in a loving tone. It was amazing to realize how much he cared for me.

"I feel the same way towards you too." I replied to him.

I felt like we needed to talk more about James, and what to do about him. But I didn't want to. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.

"Edward. Just to be clear, you are a vampire?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes." He replied.

"And what can you do?" I asked trying to ask as many questions as I can so I can figure him out.

"Well, us vampires have special abilities. I guess humans would call them 'super powers' but I wouldn't refer to them as that. Some are very useful. They are our gifts. Almost all vampires have them. I, can read minds. My sister, Alice, can tell the future. My brother, Jasper, can control your emotions and change your mood. And Emmett has super strength. Esme my mother, and my father Carlisle don't really have any special gifts. Rosalie, my other sister, also doesn't have any special gift. It all depends really. Some vampires have more than one too, like myself I can run faster than my family, however that wouldn't be considered a gift really."

I was lying there looking at him shocked to learn so much. It is so facinating the world that he and his family live in. It is like a totally different universe.

"What else is different with vampires that I should know?"

"Well, for example, we do not sleep."

"At all?" I was shocked. I wonder how it feels not to sleep..

"Nope, not at all. It sometimes can be a little boring, but it is interesting to see the world at night."

"Seems like it would be.. By the way, you can read my mind, right?" I asked him, knowing he could.

"Yes, but yours isn't as clear as a lot of humans. It seems like you can control what I hear. It is kind of like getting a bad radio reception. You hear a lot of the normal parts, but you can't hear what is really going on."

I was shocked, concerned and confused that I was different. That is really odd.

"Have you had this problem with anyone else?" I asked.

"Yes actually, will Bella Swan. However, I couldn't read her mind at all. It was a complete mute."

"That is really odd, Edward."  I replied to him. I can't believe how much I am learning in such a short amount of time.

I looked up, the sun has set and I completely lost track of time. The day was over, and we were lying on the beach still, with only the sound of waves to listen to.

"Do you want to sleep, Cassandra?" Edward asked me kindly, he offered is arms for me to sleep in. I gladly cuddled against his chest.

"I am so exhausted." I said to him, and then I yawned. He chuckled.

                                          -                    -                         -

My eyes started getting heavier, Edward kissed my forehead, and then I drifted to sleep to the sound of waves and him humming a lullaby.....

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