Chapter 8 - Fire

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I was still staring at Edward, he asked one of the biggest questions a girl could be asked. And thousands of emotions were going through me. Happy, excited, loved, thrilled, nervous, and many more. I felt the happiest I've ever felt. But now I needed to give him an answer.

I put my arms around his next and said, "Yes." I smiled at him and grinned back.

He took me in his arms and then we were standing up. He kissed him tenderly and then looked at me.

"Cassandra, I promise I will love you forever. I am so glad you said yes, because now we can start our lives together." He smiled my favorite crooked smile of his and I hugged him tightly.

"Now we can be together forever." I whispered to him. I have never felt better in my entire life. I was thrilled to be engaged to the love of my life.

He smiled at me, "Sorry I don't have a ring, I promise I will get you one eventually."

"You don't have to Edward, all I want is you, alright?"

"I insist." He grinned. I didn't mind not having a ring, but I will let him since he wants to get me one so much.

"Edward, there is still one problem." I said to him, and he knew exactly what and who I was talking about.

"Ah yes. James. Once we are married, and you are a vampire, James will have no reason to be after you, love. He'll either give up, or be so infused with anger and rage, we'll have to kill him ourselves, which shouldn't be a challenge at all."

"But what if he comes before I am turned?" I asked.

"He'll never find us here, nobody will. Don't worry Cassandra, you are safe here." He assured me.

I looked outside, it was getting dark. And I was getting tired. When Edward saw me falling asleep on the couch he carried me to bed and kissed me. He lied there with my humming a lullaby, to help me sleep. And then I drifted..


I woke up and it was nice and warm, and sunny. I looked around and saw a note next to me. It was from Edward.

' Cassandra, I was planning on returning from hunting before you woke up, I will be back soon, love.   - Edward '

I knew he had to go hunting at some point, but I hated the idea being all alone, and away from him.

There was a knock at the door. Edward didn't have to knock? I wondered why he did.

I walked to the door and opened it.

"Edward why did you kn-" I was about to say but then I realized that wasn't Edward. It was James.

I screamed, and darted across the house. I exited through the back and kept running. James caught up. He grabbed be and through me to the ground.

"You didn't think I would ever find you, did you?" He asked me as he smiled an evil, malicious smile. I spit on him.

He wiped it off of his face and stomped on my leg. He was a vampire, so he was super strong. I felt blood on my leg. I winced. James is going to kill me.

"STOP IT! What do you want from me?!" I yelled at him.

He laughed, an evil way, "Cassandra, what I want from you is your blood. Hasn't Edward told you that already?" He smiled in a twisted way and then he grabbed my wrist. He was about to bite be and I knew it was over. I was going to die, and I was already losing blood. I felt closer to death every second. I felt blood on my hair from hitting it when he through me.

He bit my wrist and started sucking.... It felt like I was in hell. I screamed a horribly loud scream.

"EDWARD!" I screamed louder. I was getting faint...

Then I saw Edward run towards James and knock him off of me. Edward looked beyond angry, he was even beyond furious. I thought he was going to explode. He rammed into James. And then he attempted to rip James' head off. He was so close but then James pushed him off and came back to me. Edward rammed into him once more, and got James' head off. His head came off like stone, and it laid next to me. I literally felt like I was on fire.

"Edward, EDWARD! HELP I am on FIRE!" I screamed. He rushed towards me.

"Oh no. Oh Cassandra I am so sorry, I shouldn't have left. I was so stupid." He said as he was still angry at himself for leaving.

"Make it stop. Make it STOP!" I screamed.

"Cassandra, love, I am going to have to turn you. There is no other way."

And then at that moment he bit me where James had, and he put his venom in my system. I felt faint, and I slowly drifted away, into the fire.


I had never been in more pain. But I wasn't awake yet- the transformation was taking place. I was screaming, but no sound could come out. I was on fire, my throat, and my heart, were on fire it felt like. I knew Edward was close by, watching me, making sure I survive the change. I don't know if I can do it.... I NEED to though. Leaving Edward and dying is NOT a choice.

 I tried to hang on, it is so hard though. I am on fire and literally every part of me feels dead. If I didn't know any better I would think I am dead.

 The pain is unbearable, like nothing anyone would imagine.  I now realize why Edward didn't want me to go through this. I would rather die right now, but I must be strong. For Edward.

The pain continued for a couple days. And then I woke. The fire was in my throat still, but it would go away after feeding.

I opened my crimson red eyes, and I saw Edward.

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