Chapter 3 - Too Much, Too Soon

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   Edward and I were in the ice cold water. I could hardly breathe. As we rose to the surface I gasped, his arms around me. He was swimming probably over one hundred miles per hour. We were about to get to land when I heard James laugh. He wasn't far behind. But Edward was faster than him. My heart was racing, despite the lack of air due to being submerged underwater. I knew that Edward would never let me drown, or die in anyway. He wouldn't let anyone die, he just isn't that kind of person. However, the fact that he cares for me in some way shocks me. How could some one as enchanting and beautiful as him like someone like me? I wasn't anything special. But somehow someone like him, likes me. But he'll never love me as much as I love him. To be honest, I've had a really big crush on him ever since he moved from Alaska to Forks. I thought he didn't even know I existed, along with all of the other girls that liked him. But I was dead wrong.

   We were still swimming, and he kept me on top of his back, somehow balancing me as he darted through the water like a shark. I checked behind us for James, and I saw nothing. Maybe we are safe, I thought

   "Edward. where are we going?" I said trying not to sound panicky. I really wish I could see the expression on his face.

   "As far as we can get from James. He will never touch you. Don't worry Cassandra." He said to me, turning his head slightly enough so I could see his concerned topaz eyes, with worry lines creased on his forehead.

  "Why are you doing this." I said to myself, it wasn't really a question. But I knew he'd hear me. Obviously, he hears everything for gods sake.

  "Cassandra don't you understand? I can't let anyone hurt you. If anything ever happened to you I couldn't live with myself. I've been waiting a hundred years to meet someone that is important to me. I can't let that phenomenon leave my life." He said softly, and his voice and his words almost made me cry. Not only, does he like me, he deeply cares about me, and really wants me to be safe and in his life. But I can't help but wonder what Bella Swan mean't to him, I really want to ask...

  "Edward, what was going on with you and Bella Swan?" I asked trying not to make it obvious that I changed the subject.

   He sighed, "You see, you know my kind feed on humans. Well, she was sort of like a monster sent from hell just to ruin me. Her blood smelled so delectable just from across the cafeteria. Being her lab partner was too much. And I didn't want to ruin my 'vegetarian' status just because of one fragile human being. So I left for a while, and I made the mistake of being absent the day she got hit by Tyler's van. I could have saved her, and she wouldn't have died. It is all my fault. I could have been there to save the poor girl. But I wasn't and I feel guilty that I am not sorry, because if she lived, I probably wouldn't have ended up caring for you so much."

  His words sent several emotions through me, shock, compassion, worry, caring, and more shock. He really did like Isabella Swan, but he doesn't feel sorry for her because he met me instead. All of a sudden we made it to land.

 "So, you actually care about me." I said, it wasn't a question.

 "Yes." He replied.

 "And you did care about Bella Swan, until she died and you met me."

 "Yes, again." He replied.

 We were standing on the land and I ran into his arms, his arms wrapped around me tightly. He looked down at me and smiled a crooked, beautiful smile. Then he leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips. I grabbed at his shirt, and he groaned. He didn't want to go that far. I sighed, too much too soon. But yet he didn't stop. We were lying on the beach, me on top of him. Nothing went too far, yet. We were kissing rapidly, and all I was thinking about was, 'This relationship is going way too fast'. That didn't stop me. I grabbed at his shirt once more in an effort to take it off, and this time he let me. He unfastened his pants and mine together. And unbuttoned my blouse. Our eyes met, and then we let our bodies do the rest...

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