Chapter 2 - Edward Cullen's Secret

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 Edward Cullen, was standing right in front of me. I didn't know what to say, or how to ask him what was wrong. He just looked so sad. I wish I could say something, do anything. His eyes met my gaze. He looked at me curiously. I was wondering why he was staring at me with such an odd, yet still very breathtaking face. He was honestly the most attractive of all the Cullens. Even though they all looked like something out of a magazine. Edward had bronze hair, with odd, yet beautiful topaz colored eyes. He was also extremely pale like his siblings. Even though they were all adopted they all look very similar.

   "Hello, I am Edward Cullen." He said to me in a beautifully charming voice. I couldn't even believe my ears. He was talking to me? And why would he when he looks so sad an sullen.

   "Uh hi Edward." I stammered back not knowing what to say. He chuckled an enchanting laugh.

  "So, did you come here to visit Tyler and Bella?" He asked me smoothely to change the awkward start of our conversation. Now here comes an even more awkward conversation topic. Bella Swan.

  "Yes, I did. I felt so bad and if I went home I'd feel even worse. So I decided to pay Bella a visit. I can't believe what happened though, I'm like in shock." I said to him wondering if he knew about Bella's death.

  "Indeed it is pretty tragic that such a young life had to end so soon. She just arrived in Forks, too. I really wish this didn't happen." He sounded truly upset and concerned about this girl. It made me wonder if they'd ever talked in the time that she was here.

  "Were you two close?" I asked him curiously.

   His looked disappointed, "Well er, no. We weren't at all. I've actually never really spoken to her. With me being out of town and everything."

   "Oh yeah I forgot, if you don't mind me by asking, what were you doing?" I questioned him, then regretted it because it may be too personal.

    "Nothing really,  just needed a break , you know?" He flashed a smile at me of perfect white teeth and winked. I turned scarlet red. How embarrassing..

   He chuckled, "Would you like me to drive you home?" He offered very politely. I was astonished. Edward Cullen offering to drive me home? Of all people? I wasn't much different than anyone else

  "Uh sure. I'd like that." I replied smiling. Then I quickly remembered, he doesn't even know my name!

  "Follow me Cassandra." He said as he led me to his shiny silver Volvo. I guess he did know my name. Huh that is odd. I never once told him. Maybe he already knew.

 He opened the door for me and I slid in. When he got in he immediately turned the heat on.

"Shall I turn on some music?" He asked me, looking at me kindly.

"Sure." I replied wondering what he listens to. He turned on the music, one of his CD's were in. I was stunned that he was listening to such classical music.

"You have good taste," I said to him smiling. I really enjoyed this type of music. He gave me a beautiful crooked smile back.  

The car was silent for a few minutes. All that you could hear was the quiet music and the rain dancing on the windows. 

I decided to break the silence, "Er, Edward?" I said to him.

"Yes?" He replied looking away from the street to see my face.

"Do you know where my house is?" I asked him.

"Well yes, I see you walking to school sometimes when I drive." He replied.

"Oh I see." I said to him not knowing what else to really say.

That's when it happened, Edward was driving smoothyand then a car behind us going incredibly fast rammed into the back of his Volvo. I let out a small scream.

Edward stepped on the gas going even faster than he already was, "Cassandra! Are you alright?" He said to me alarmed.

"Oh my gosh, what was that? Why are they following us?!" I said to him my voice in complete shock.

He swerved into the forest and we were driving on a wide hiking trail. "We have to leave, someone is chasing us!" He said firmly and loud. He was getting angry now.

"But why? This can't be happening! Why are they chasing us!" I was yelling, I was scared. I didn't know what was happening.

"Listen, you don't live in the world you think you do. That person behind us wants you." He said to me in a low, angry voice.

"Why does he want me?" I stammered wondering what on earth could be going on.

"He isn't human. He's like me, different. If you hadn't noticed my family is not normal." He said, as we were zooming past trees.

I was shocked, "What do you mean not human?" I said now getting nervous.

"Our kind, may look like you humans. Murderous, blood-thirsty, cold, monsters." He said his face contorted with anger. He was really upset that someone was trying to get me.

I was at loss of words. The car stopped abruptly, he unbuckled his and my seatbelt. He went over to me fast as lighting and carried me out of the car. We were going at an unbelieveable speed in the forest. We were getting very close to the beach...

"Listen Cassandra, we have to leave. That person that is following us wants to kill you. His name is James. Alice saw him, she can tell the future. He was going to end up trying to kill Bella, but that all changed when she died. He wants you now, he wants any girl that is with me. I am so sorry. He looked at my pale face with concern. He looked at me with tender, loving eyes.

"Edward, I'm scared!" I yelled at him not trying to be mean. I was just scared and confused.

"Don't be, your with me. I'll have that monster killed before he even gets to see you." He said to be as he stopped at a cliff. James was right behind us. Edward looked at James, then at me. He cradled me in his arms again and jumped with me in his arms into the water.

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