Chapter 13 - Wedding Bells

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    It is finally the day of my wedding, the sixteenth of August. I am excited, nervous and happy that is day is finally here. Alice won't let me see Edward until the wedding, she says it's bad luck. I tried to talk her out of it, but she wanted this to be traditional. We were having our wedding here, on Isle Esme. Alice hired a priest to come out here too, so we are legally married too. Today is also the day I get to see the ring Edward had promised me, and even though I told him he didn't need to buy me one, he probably bought the most expensive one he could find.

   "Cassandra! Follow me! Rosalie and I are going to do your hair and makeup!" Alice yelled for me. I was sitting in the living room. I followed Alice into the bathroom. It looked like Alice had turned our bathroom into a salon, she had a chair that looked like it was from a real salon, and there was makeup on every inch of the counter. There was also hair straighteners, curlers, hair spray, and even more I couldn't explain.

    I sat down in the salon like chair and looked in the mirror. My topaz, golden eyes looked overly excited and my light brown hair looked very frizzy. Alice and Rose would have to fix that.

   "Okay, you want the lace braid, right?" Rose asked me. I nodded. She was working on my hair while Alice did my makeup.

   "Alice, where on Isle Esme are we having the wedding anyways?" I asked her. She wouldn't tell me, she said it was a surprise.

   "Come on, you know I can't tell you. It's a surprise." Alice said grinning. She just loved surprises.

   "Does Edward know where it is?" I asked her.

   Alice replied, "Yes, but it is kind of hard to keep secrets from him you know."

   "Oh yeah, duh." I replied laughing.

   After an hour of Alice and Rose working on me, I finally got to see how I looked in the mirror. I was a little nervous since I knew how Alice liked to take everything she did to extremes.

   When I saw myself it was like seeing a stranger. She matched the makeup to go with my new eye color perfectly the golden eyes looked beautiful with the amount of eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow she put on. And Rose, she did an amazing job on the lace braid. I could've sworn I had just got my look professionally done. I guess you could say I did, Alice and Rosalie are like professionals.

  "Okay now it is time to get you in your beautiful dress!" Alice said and she darted out of the room. She came back with a long, white lace dress in her hands. The bottom of the dress and small gemstones all around it. The dress was breathtakingly beautiful.

  "Alice. It is goregous! " I said to her grinning and I hugged her.

  Alice laughed, "Your welcome sis, now get in it! You have to be at your wedding in ten minutes."

  I quickly got in my dress, and then we left. Alice and Rose led the way, and then I saw it.

  There were carnations and roses everywhere, with the waterfall Edward and I jumped off of directly behind it. It wasmore that beautiful, it was perfect. If I was still human I would be crying, that is how perfect it is.

  Since my Dad isn't here to walk me down the aisle, Carlisle gladly volunteered. He was waiting for me with his arm out. I smiled and walked towards him.

  Carlisle smiled as I took his arm and whispered, "You look beautiful, I am glad to call you my daughter." I smiled at Carlisle's kind words.

   "Thank you Carlisle." I said.

  The music started to play, and we started to walk. I was nervous up until I saw Edward smiling at me and the end of the aisle. All of a sudden, nothing else mattered anymore. All that mattered was us. I felt like running into his arms. Carlisle let go of my arm and I was next to Edward. The priest began the wedding. I was staring at Edward with such love and compassion, that I don't even know if we are at the part to say, "I do," yet.

  I heard the priest say the words and I knew it was my turn to speak.

 "I do." I smiled at him. This was the happiest moment of my life.

  Next thing I knew, Edward had said, "I do."

  "You may now kiss the bride." We kissed, I wanted this kiss to last forever, to never end. But I knew it had to. It was so loving, and caring. We stopped, and everyone clapped. Even though the only people there were Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett, it still felt like the biggest and best wedding there ever was.


   The wedding had no reception, I convinced Alice it wasn't needed and that I just wanted to spend my time with Edward. It felt weird, to call myself Cassandra Cullen. But I loved it. Edward and I also decided to have our honeymoon here at Isle Esme. He said it is where we would've had it even if we weren't living here. 

   "Mrs. Cullen, would you like to go for a swim?" Edward said seductively from the other side of the living room. He looked like he was trying to supress a grin.

    I smiled at him, "Sure." And then he darted outside and got in the water. Damn, he is so fast. I should practice running as fast as him...

     I walked outside in a towel only, it reminded me of our first night here. Except I was human, and now I am a vampire. So we can be together without him accidentally hurting me... I wasn't fragile anymore.

      I dropped the towel in the sand, and I swam towards him. He kissed me, and it wasn't like he had ever kissed me before. It was beautiful and magical. I couldn't imagine a better night...

     He cradled me in his arms and continued kissing me, until we got to the bedroom.

     He was kissing me so romanticly and lovingly, it made me feel so special. I couldn't imagine a better husband.

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