Chapter 14 - Love Will Save Us

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   Edward and I were unseperable, it seemed like ever since we met. And now that we are married, it seems like everything is finalized and complete. I don't have to think about losing him, and he will never have to lose me. We are in unconditionally and irrevocably in love with eachother, and we'll have eternity together. Ever since the wedding, which was a few weeks ago now, Edward and I have been exploring more of Isle Esme. We found a few more waterfalls, and a nice little meadow for us to relax at. When we got back to the house, that is when we recieved the bad news.

   Alice was there, with Jasper. It was an unexpected visit. We hadn't seen them since the wedding, which was now a few weeks ago.

   "Edward, Cassandra. Something terrible has happened in Forks." Alice said in a tone that frightened me. She usually isn't like this. I never though Alice could be scared or nervous. Especially with Jasper around.

   Edward's facial expression turned from curious, to horrified with in a matter of seconds. He had obviously heard what is wrong in Alice's thoughts.

    I was looking at Alice and Edward puzzled. What could be wrong?

   "Can someone please tell me what is going on!" I yelled. I was getting impatient.

   Edward answered, "Cassandra. It's James. Before I killed him, James arranged a back up plan in Forks. He created about a hundred vampires and sent them to feed in Forks. Almost half the towns population is dead. He wanted us to know that if he couldn't have you then we couldn't have the peoplle we love in Forks."

   I was horrifed, disgusted, and in disbelief. My parents, could be dead right now. My old freinds, my other family members. Dead. It would be a miracle if they are still alive.

   "Edward! We have to do something!" I said hugging him tightly. I've never felt so useless.

   "We could go back and try to take the newborns on, but they are super strong, since they are so new. No army could take them, I am even starting to doubt The Volturi." Alice said still in a shocked voice.

   The Volturi... I remember Edward explaining to me about them one time we were lying in bed, before I was a vampire. He explained how they were the 'Royalty' basically of vampires. They rule, and they have control over us. They are supposed to be the strongest...

  "We have to go back. I have to see my parents." I pleaded to Edward.

  "Cassandra, they think your dead by now. We can't go back." Edward said to me trying to calm me, and I hugged him tighter, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

   "The newborns already got to your part of town, Cassandra. I am so sorry, but your parents are dead." Alice said with a sad expression.

    I was in shock. Dead? No. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Life was so perfect before now. What happened?

   "What should we do then?" I asked them.

   Jasper replied, "There is nothing we can do. Soon they will completely wipe out Forks. And then they will be sent here to destroy Isle Esme."

   No. No. NO! They will NOT do this to us.

   "No. I won't let it happen. We are going to Forks Edward." I said in a very serious tone. I wasn't kidding around. I grabbed Edward's hand and we went outside. Alice and Jasper followed close behind.

    "Alice, where are Esme, Carlisle, Rose, and Emmett?" I asked her.

    "They are in the house, the newborns hadn't reached it yet."

     "We have to get there before they do." I said. And then we swam to Rio and caught the first flight to Forks.

     "Edward, what if we don't make it?" I asked him on the plane. I was concerned and scared of losing everyone I love.. I already lost my parents. I can't lose my new family, especially Edward.

       "Love will save us," Edward said compassionately, "Don't worry, love." He reassured me.

      I just wished I believed him...

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