Chapter 6 - Isle Esme

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   We were on the plane heading to Rio, Edward insisted that it was just a stop along the way, but I convinced myself he was lying so I would still be surprised. But then I realized that he was probably right. Why would he say it is a very good surprise for just Rio? James could find us there too, and he is a tracker... So Edward is right.

  Once we arrived in Rio we got a taxi, and took it to a boat dock. Edward carried me into the little boat, and then he got in. I was very tired from the long plane ride. Edward started up the motor boat and we made our way across the water. I knew know that we were going to an island of some sort. Then I saw it, a beautiful island, it looked like something out of a fairytale. It was nice and warm too, my kind of weather.

  "Welcome to Isle Esme." Edward said to me when we stopped at the island. I was in disbelief. Isle Esme? I have never heard of it before.

 Edward saw my puzzled face and chuckled an enchanting laugh, "The Island was a gift from my father, Carlisle, to my mother, Esme. I am allowed to use it whenever I'd like" He explained to me.

Oh so his mother's name is Esme! Well not his real mother.. But you know.

Edward swept me off my feet and carried me into the beautiful house, there was the ocean right in front of the house, and it was so beautiful. I laughed, I felt like this was a cheesy romance movie the way he carried me in. Edward kissed me on my cheek, and set me down in the living room of the house.

"It is very beautiful," I commented on the house. It was very open, and beach themed. White and cream colors, with a patio overlooking the ocean.

"Yes, it is." Edward said to me. I got closer to him and we kissed, I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you." He said to me, looking in my eyes caringly. I blushed. It was the first time he ever said this to me. I smiled at him.

"I love you, too." I replied smiling, my arms still wrapped around him. His arms were around my waist.

"Shall we go for a swim?" He said to me, looking enthusiastic to do anything to get my mind off of James.

"Sure, but what about a bathing suit?" I asked.

"Oh, Alice took care of that." He gestured towards two huge suitcases on the couch.

"Wow, she didn't have to do that. That was very generous of her." I said thankfully.

Edward chuckled, "Oh trust me, she wanted to."

Edward walked outside and went into the water. I didn't see him get in a bathing suit. Oh. Oh. Oh!

I feel so stupid. He isn't going to wear a bathing suit, or anything for that matter when we swim. I quickly grabbed my suitcase and ran into the bathroom. In the suitcase was, razors, clothes, toiletries, and fancy lingerie. Alice obviously knew what we would do... I feel like this is more like a honeymoon than us being on the run.

I quickly shaved my legs, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, washed my face, and took a quick shower. I knew Edward was patient, but he is probably wondering by now what is taking so long. I wrapped the towel around myself and walked outside.

I saw him there, his skin faintly glistening in the moonlight. He looked at me and smiled a warm welcoming smile. I smiled back. I dropped the towel and went towards him.

The water was very warm, and comfortable. Atleast I didn't have to worry about sharks, or fish, Edward could scare them away.

I was right  next to him looking up at his face, his beautiful face. And at that moment I realized that he was mine. And I was his. He turned towards me and I turned towards him.

"Beautiful.." He whispered.

I wrapped my arms tightly around him and he wrapped his around me. We kissed, and were together. In the water it was warm, and nice to be so close to him. We were floating and kissing in the water, holding eachother. It was so.... Enchanting to have a moment like this. It made me realize even more how much he cared for me, and how much I love and care for him. All I know is that we were made for eachother, and nothing can stop us. Not even James.

We were in the water for a little while and then he carried me inside to the bedroom.....

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