The Loudest Silence

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The loudest silence is one you can't hear

one without noise to pollute your ear.

The magic of quiet penetrates the soul

Crazy the quiet that fuels us all.

Don't interrupt your mind just let it run free

to a kind of Neverland that you cannot see.

You're Peter, you're Wendy, and The Lost Crew

The fairies you seek are just beneath you.

Hidden in the soil, the breath of Earth

From there is where all man is birthed.

Respect your mother for she is kind

allowing you to revel in her magical tide.

Enjoy the magic, the splendor of joy

because you are such a special girl or boy.

Listen to Earth and all that she tells

because it is her magic that keeps you well.

Listen well and you shall be rewarded

with endless knowledge of the magic that is wanted

Cherish her love of you. Express it.

But here's the trick, the killer repressant:

use your hands and your heart

seal your lips to get a good start.

Enjoy the silence while you have it here

because nowhere else can you  have

Her ear.

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