I ~ The Prank

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31st October, 2:00AM

"Psst, Connor," Travis hissed, leaning down the side of the ladder. "Pass the paint bucket."

"Sure thing, bro." Connor tossed up the seventh and last paint bucket to his brother who caught it and cracked open the lid to dip his paintbrush in.

Connor stood impatiently waiting at the bottom of the ladder, watching as his brother finished the last of the painting. "Are you almost done, yet?"
Connor whispered. "It's past midnight."

"Sorry, bro." Travis whispered back. "Give me five more minutes. This is going to be the best prank ever!"

The two brothers laughed quietly together.

This was indeed, going to be the best prank the camp had ever seen. They had decided that the Big House at Camp Half-Blood had always looked a bit dull during Halloween so this year they had painted it a dark black, the windowsills light grey. The paint was Hermes' special 'Fun Quick-Dry No-Mess Guarantee Prank Paint' which disappeared after a few days - perfect for pranks which took ages to clean up afterwards . Connor had also strung up some fake cobwebs and put a few Jack-o-Lanterns to spookily light up the entrance of the house. It was going to be epic. Especially since tomorrow - today actually, since it was past midnight - was October 31st.

Just as Travis brushed the final stroke, someone marched up to them. More specifically, a girl. Her long dark brown hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was wearing a dressing gown over her pyjamas. Her feet stomped on the ground as hard as she could as she came over, but the thing that startled the Stoll brothers the most was the fact that her dark forest green eyes were alight with anger.

"What in Hades are you two idiots doing?!" Katie Gardner whispered-yelled as Travis climbed down from the ladder, a smirk of triumph taking over his face.

"Oh, you know, just repainting the Big House." Connor said casually as Travis reached the ground.

"Nothing you need to be worried about." Travis added.

"Do you know what will happen if you two imbeciles get caught?" Katie cried.

"We don't like to think about what will happen if we get caught," Travis yawned.

"It would spoil the fun." Connor finished.

"Ugh! You two idiots are so dead!" Katie muttered.

"Stop whispering so loud," Connor hissed.

"You'll wake everyone up with your bossy voice." Travis completed the sentence.

Katie huffed and stormed off back towards the cabins, muttering about how stupid and idiotic the Stoll brothers were as they high-fived and started pulling the ladder down.

And just in case you were wondering: no, the ladder was not the ladder that had been stolen from the camp store three days earlier. It was the one that had been stolen ... a four days ago.

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