XIII ~ She's Alive?

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31st October, 9:00PM:

Percy was falling. He felt the sensation of the wind whistling past him and the freedom that nothing was holding him back.

And then suddenly, it all stopped. Percy blinked, and when his senses came into focus, he realised that he was back in the Throne Room. All of the gods were staring at him.

"Uh... Trick or Treat?" Percy asked.

"TRICK!" Apollo and Hermes yelled.

"TREAT!" Aphrodite cried.

Beside Percy, Travis and Connor groaned at the exact same time.
"How dare they prank the prank-masters?!" Connor cried.

"It's not fair!" Travis wailed.

"Idiots." Katie muttered, rolling her eyes, even though she was smiling.

"You put me through all that just because of a Halloween Prank?" Annabeth demanded. Percy did a double take.

"Annabeth?" He asked.

Annabeth turned towards him. "Well, who were expecting, Seaweed Brain?" She laughed, and Percy crushed her in a hug.

"You're not dead!" He cried.

"The gods saved me." Annabeth explained. "Though I admit, it was still a good prank."

"Ahem." A voice coughed from the doorway. Two masked figures stepped into the throne room.

The first one was obviously a girl. She was tall, wearing a long dark purple and gold cape and a black dress. Her eyes sparkled underneath a gold mask, dark brown hair tucked in a neat plait.

The second person was a boy, much shorter than the girl but he held himself with pride. His eyes were obsidian-black and he was wearing a completely black suit.

"We created the House." The girl said, and in sync, the two strangers ripped off their masks, revealing Reyna and Nico.

"And since you five have beaten it," Nico continued. "We bow to you. The romans who entered last year weren't as successful as you."

"And we also thank the gods." Reyna added. "This has indeed been a Halloween to remember."

"Thank you Reyna and Nico." Athena said, then turned her gaze on the other five. "Now, I believe you all have a party to get back to."

She snapped her fingers and Percy grabbed Annabeth's hand before they were transported to the porch of the Big House.

Katie grabbed Travis' hand and pulled him inside, while Percy looked at Annabeth. "Do you want to dance?" He offered m.

"Of course." Annabeth smiled.

"Hashtag: forever alone." Connor sighed, but then headed inside after them.


Percy and Annabeth swayed to the music together. Nearby, Katie and Travis were slow-dancing as well.

Annabeth sighed softly and leaned her head on Percy's shoulder. "It's been a long night." She said.

"I know." Percy replied.

"Too bad it'll be all over in a few hours." She brushed a piece of her hair out of her face. "Halloween, I mean."

"Well then, Happy Halloween, Wise Girl." Percy smiled.

"Happy Halloween, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth quickly kissed Percy's cheek and they went back to dancing.


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