Chapter 5~

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A/N: I am so sorry, but this is a filler chapter with a surprise at the end! I don't know if you guys will like it or not but we'll find out!

The next day we again had decided to hang out with BTS, but this time we were going to an amusement park! I of course wore my regular grey t-shirt and my shorts with black high top converse since we were going to be walking around the whole day.

"Hyemi, are you ready to go?" Bora yelled as I tied my hair into a ponytail. What? I could always make it look better in the car. We got in our van and met BTS at the theme park. Surprisingly no one even cares that we were there, they were probably too excited to ride the rides like us!

"We'll attract a lot of attention if we're in one big group." Taehyung says as I look around to see if anyone was crowding around us.

"Um, there isn't really anyone crowding around us so I don't think there's a need for splitting up." Jin sighed and pointed to me.

"Hyemi, you'll be in a group with Jungkook, Jimin, and Jieun. I'm with Bora, Namjoon and J-Hope. And Eunji is with Taehyung and Suga. We'll meet at the haunted house in 2 hours." We all nodded to his words and split up.

Of course, me and Jungkook rushed to the scariest rides possible because as long as there was safety bars or seat belts it didn't matter how scary it was! Jimin and Jieun thought opposite though. They were constantly suggesting thrilling but not scary rides. None that had upside down loops or went far up into the air.

"Fine what about that one?" I pointed to one that was between scary and sort of thrilling, but still enough to get me laughing like a maniac while riding it. "Not that scary but not only thrilling, a win win situation for us right?" They all nodded but Jimin and Jieun still looked hesistant.

"Come on, they know it's their job to keep us safe on the rides! It'll be fun I promise." Jungkook said as we all started walking in line for the ride.

"How come there isn't that many people in line?" Jieun looked around and surprisingly, there wasn't as many people in line for this ride than the others. "Maybe because this one has faulty seat belts or something like that!" I laughed and pointed to the people that had just finished the ride.

"If the seat belts were faulty then why did those people comeback safe? Come on Jieun just enjoy the ride!" They motioned for us to sit down and put the seatbelts on. We were in the middle with me sitting next to Jungkook and Jieun sitting next to Jimin.

"We are about to start the ride, please relax and enjoy the ride." I could hear Jieun and Jimin sigh behind us as the ride started moving. Of course the ride caused me to scream a little but it want as scary as most of the rides I've ridden before. As soon as the ride ended, we got too and just decided to walk around and look at the shops since we would probably just argue about what to ride next. After 2 hours had passed, we met up with everyone else at the haunted house and we went inside.

Jungkook's POV

"Let's go in the haunted house as groups. In our groups specifically." Jin mentioned as we were about to walk inside as one large group. I didn't mind being one large group but it looked like the people managing the haunted house were bothered. Aren't you supposed to please the customers so that they'll come back and not have dirty looks on your faces?

"I'm fine with that. Anyone else oppose to that idea?" Namjoom said as everyone else nodded their heads in agreement. "Alright, then Hyemi's group will go first."

As we were going in, I could see Hyemi's face scrunch up. I'm guessing she was scared, not scared of roller coasters but haunted houses, interesting. (A/N: No Jungkook, she was scrunching up her nose because Jimin just farted in front of her .-.)

At first it was mostly was things popping up at us which didn't really affect me but the others were jumping every time something or someone popped up.

"Ahh!" Hyemi screamed and jumped towards me, clutching onto my shirt. I laughed a little and she quickly let go blushing. "Oh hope I didn't hurt you or anything, I was just scared." I smiled and held onto her hand.

"If you get scared just squeeze my hand. Then you'll know that you're not alone here." I could see her blush and nod her head.

"Let's leave these two love birds alone before we throw up of their cheesiness." Jieun commented as Jimin suddenly has a sly smirk on his face.

"Run!" He held onto Jieun's hand and started running, practically dragging her behind him. I rolled my eyes and looked at Hyemi who had suddenly started holding onto my arm.

"Sorry, I'm just freaked out here. Can we keep on going?" I nodded but blushed at the sudden skinship between us but then blushed even more when I remembered that we had accidentally kissed. We walked through the last part and she had only tightened her grip on me a couple of times before we reached the exit.

"So what took you guys so long huh?" Jimin said as he gave us a weird smile that only he could do.

"Why are you holding onto his arm Hyemi? Did he ask you out and you accepted?" We- or I blushed at their comments and Hyemi took her hands off my arm.

"I-I was just scared! So he offered to hold my hand but AI felt better holding onto his arm." Jieun gave Hyemi a look that said, 'Tell me everything later.' and she just laughed in response.

Why have I never realized how pretty she was while smiling? Wait, do I like Hyemi? I looked over to her talking with Jieun and admired her.

I'm falling in love with Hyemi.

End of Jungkook's POV

A/N: Okay this is probably going to be 1 out of 2 times you're going to see Jungkook's POV so I hope you enjoyed that little bit and sorry if it was just plain terrible to read LOL

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