Chapter 6~

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Hyemi POV

"Guys can we talk a little?" I gathered everyone in the living room and we all sat on the floor. And no BTS isn't here again, it's just us today. "Do you guys still feel the same way about the guys you like? Because I know I do." They nodded and smiled.

"Well they weren't the egoistic jerks I thought they might've been since in the stories the jerks are always idolized." Jieun bluntly said as we all burst into laughter. "What?! Read some stories and you'll agree!"

"My feelings are still the same. But he's better than I thought he actually was!" Bora smiled and showed us a selfie with her and J-Hope on the Ferris Wheel. They make me want to ship them as my OTP couple but Jieun and Jimin have already taken that spot.

"I told you guys he was an alien, he was telling me about the time he dressed up in a lady bug costume!" Eunji exclaimed as we all laughed and tried to imagine what that would look like. (You are a normal person if you haven't seen Taehyung looking fabulous in a ladybug costume so I generously put the picture in the media for you ^·^)

"And that's why you love him right?" I teasingly asked as she blushed and nodded. I laughed and remembered the times where we would look at them from afar and not even talk to them. But now we're best friends with them and idols at the same time. Seems crazy right?

After that little talk and eating. We decided to not be lazy and go to the mall and buy new things! I chose to wear jeans, a red flannel, and black combat boots. We would be a pretty big group if we invited BTS so we just went by ourselves.

"Alright we're here. Now what do we do?" Bora asks as we look at the map directory. All of a sudden I notice a shop that says "Magical Antiques" Maybe this is where the pocket mirror went after it transported us here!

"Maybe this is where the pocket mirror disappeared to, lets check it out." They all nodded and we entered the shop. "Wait," I stopped everyone from looking around and pointed to the cashier.

"Hey its the lady that told me about the pocket watch!" Eunji smiled and walked over to the lady with confidence. "Excuse me. Do you happen to have a pocket mirror that supposedly that when you look into it, you get transported to another dimension?" The lady smiled and nodded.

She took out the pocket watch we were looking for and handed it to us. "I'm afraid that the legend about the pocket watch was wrong. Someone tried using it but it didn't work." Eunji smiled and gave it back to the lady.

"Oh thank you then, we'll be going but it was nice to talk to you!" We all waved goodbye to the lady and left the shop. Confused.

"Does this mean we're stuck here forever?" I asked as we sat down at a table in the food court. We all sat there in silence.

"I guess so. I don't really mind since the life is pretty sweet." Bora smiled and sat back in her chair, obviously not bothered by this situation.

"I think Hyemi means. What about our parents? Did we just disappear from that world? Do we live here until we die?" Jieun sighed and put her head on the table, "I enjoy this life too but honestly I miss our old lives. This one is too flashy for me." I nodded a little and looked around to see if there were and good food places.

"Maybe something will happen where we'll go back! But then we won't be best friends with BTS anymore." I sighed and though about going back. They won't remember going back at all. We finished looking around and went back home.

"Someone asked me to go outside to talk. I'll be back." Jieun quickly said as she grabbed a jacket and headed outside while we were in the middle of one of the most anger inducing dramas. School 2015: Who Are You. The bully really makes me want to kill her.
(Don't even get me started when I saw her in Seventeen's Mansae! I was like "YOU NEED TO LEAVE THE MUSIC VIDEO I'M STILL UPSET OVER SCHOOL 2015!!" Lol)

Soon Jieum came back inside with an expression that was indescribable. "What's wrong? Who did you talk to outside?" I moved over and whispered to her.

"It was Jimin. But it was nothing really." She smiled and motioned for me to watch the drama again. I shrugged it off and started watching again. (Hehe what do you think they talked about??)

After a while one by one we left to go to sleep. The shock from today was enough to tire us out. But apparently SOMEBODY didn't think that I needed sleep tonight because so got a text.

Jungkook: Are you up?
Hyemi: No. I've become a zombie.
Jungkook: I thought so! Anyways Jimin went out for a while to talk to someone. Do you know who?
Hyemi: Jieun went out to talk to him too but I don't know what they were talking about.
Jungkook: Btw you looked really pretty when we were at the theme park. Even when you were screaming your head off on the rides ;)

I smiled and blushed a little. I didn't know how to respond?! I'M NOT GOOD AT FLIRTING OKAY?! "Well thanks, I know I'm a hot potato, and you are one too!" <--- EW how can I flirt like that. Just kidding I've flirted like that before.

Hyemi: You were very charming when you let me hold your hand haha. Perfect boyfriend material!
Jungkook: Haha You're girlfriend material too. Hey I'm being yelled at momma Jin to go to sleep. Goodnight :*

So basically I had a little spazz attack on my bed before passing out. I'm sorry I might be the only one who does this but I was like fangirling. Now when I wanted to fall asleep, I can't fall asleep!

So to help me fall asleep, I decided to go on wattpad and read love stories about Exo. What? They'll never know! But why?

Why are you making me heart like this?!

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