Chapter 12~

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We were walking home when we saw BTS in front of us. "Hey Taehyung!" Eunji yelled as he turned around. His eyes lit up and he ran over to her quickly hugging her. We all laughed as they looked like a couple that hadn't seen each other for years and just reunited.

"We were going to have a celebratory dinner, do you want to join us since you guys won in the girl group section?" He asked as we all smiled and nodded our heads. They lead us to a Korean barbecue restaurant and we sat down as a table that fit all of us. Rap Monster ordered and we waited for food while talking.

"Have you guys decided what song you guys are going to show to the companies yet?" Jimin asked as I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Jimin," Jieun laughed as he looked at her. "We just were told that we were going to preform in front of the companies! We need to take it all in!" Jimin laughed and shyly rubbed the back of his neck. They looked at each other before focusing back on what everyone else was talking about.

'Why does it feel like there is something going on between them and they aren't telling us?' I thought but quickly as I shook the thought out of my head. I had the same suspicion when Jieun went outside to talk to him in the other life when we were idols but I guess I'm just assuming too much.

When the food arrived we dug in and ate as much food as our stomach could handle. I didn't really care how I ate in front of the guys like my other friends since we're basically starving all the time!

"Can I talk to you outside?" I looked up to see J-Hope smiling at me and I nodded, following him out of the restaurant. We reached a bench right outside and sat down on it.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked as I looked up at the sky, I didn't realize that the sun was setting already. The sky looks so beautiful.

"I have to tell you this. But don't worry I'm not in love with you or anything." I laughed as he waved his hands in front of his face. "I know about the other life." My heart stopped. He knows about the other life?

"D-Does this mean you traveled with us to the other life and back?" I looked at him, clearly shocked at what he had just told me. He nodded and I looked to the ground. "Is this a dream?" I punched my myself and let out a little scream showing my pain. "It isn't a dream!" I looked at him again and smiled as he was trying to hold in his laughter from seeing me freaking out a little.

"I remember everything. I just wasn't sure if you guys went to the other life and back with me. Actually, I'm not sure how I ended up there in the first place." I laughed awkwardly and pointed at Eunji secretly through the window.

"It's all her fault!" He laughed and likes at me confusedly. "She had this pocket mirror and told us to look at it. It was because of the pocket mirror! It made us travel to the other life and then suddenly made us travel back!" He nodded and smiled.

"Well considering that what happened to us only happens in movies, I have no choice to believe you about that part." I smiled and we high fived each other. "Oh another thing. I really like Bora, do you have any idea on how I could ask her out?" I suddenly squealed and put my hands together making a plan for those two soon to be lovebirds. Time for my fangirl imagination to get to work.

"You should do something really cute, I'm not even kidding! Something that will keep her attention because she kind of gets of track easily. And she likes you too just saying!" I winked at him and he blushed as the last part of my sentence. He thanked me and went back inside. I decided to stay outside a little longer to watch the sun set. All of a sudden I see someone cover my eyes.

"You didn't have to cover my eyes Jungkook." I laughed as I heard him chuckle and remove his hands from my face. He sat down next to me and also looked at the sky. "Isn't the sky beautiful when the sun is setting?" I asked as he smiled and nodded his head.

"I know something else that is beautiful." I looked at him curious and decided to ask him about it.

"What else is beautiful?" I could think of a lot of things that were beautiful but he was probably talking about something specific. He looked at me before coming closer. He pointed to me and smiled.

"It's you." Oh my god please stop Jungkook. I blushed and backed away a little. "Of course you're second to the setting sun." I laughed as I looked back at the sun again. "I guess if we get picked by one of the companies, this will be one of the last times we will be like this." I sighed and nodded my head.

"Since we'll be idols, everyone will want to follow us." I said as he was looking at the sky. I stole a glance at him. He was right, this is probably one of the last times I will hang out comfortably
with him or the rest of BTS. Our private lives will be ruined. If we get caught.

"Let's go back inside, They might be looking for us already." He said as we both stood up and started going back inside. Before I walked in, I felt his arms wrap around my neck. "Let's just stay like this, for a little bit." I nodded and held his arms. I could feel my heart eating fast. He soon let go and we walked back inside the restaurant and joined everyone else's conversations.

I wonder if Jungkook remembers going to the other life and back. I wonder if BTS knows, I know J-Hope does but what about the rest of them? What if this is all a dream? These were all my thoughts when I was going back home.

A/N: Finally another chapter!! I think I might finish this story this week but I'm not sure, There are a lot of things I want to do and another story I might want to start after this! I was going to try to connect these two stories somehow but I realized that it probably would make no sense. Or would it? LOL IDK maybe I will connect it! We'll see!

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