Kidnapped by Harry? Fine by me.

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Alice's P.O.V

"Run Bitch Run" I yelled to myself, as I tried my best to run from the sexy hands of Harry's guards.

Yes ladies they are as sexy as their boss. Gahhhhh im surrounded with hot male testosterone i think im going crazzyyyyyyy, my metal rambling stopped as I ran into a solid thing, someones chest, how cliched I looked up to see.... Trey.


I struggled at the hands of the god like person infront of me and eventually gave up. After a while the other guys caught up,

"That *pant* girl *pant* is *pant* fast *pant*" the one I recognized as christen said. And hot he muttered after a while... Milo, the third one came running behind whining like a little girl 'you guuyyysss my new D&G shoess!

 They aren't as cheap as your asses are so chill ok! we are proffessional assasins not baby sitters'

'First lei now her' he muttered, i saw Trey stiffen at this lei person's name., touchy subject much?

'Someones got a crush, someones got a crush' I said in a sing-song tone, that pissed him off so he hit my head causing my Edward Cullen wig to fall off and out jumped a yellow bunny, what can I say? They are just too cute! I had to borrow *cough* steal *cough* one.

"Lord she's as crazy and incredible as the movies!" I hear an accent that I couldn't really make out and spin around to see the final boy of the group DK and for some reason. I blush.

"GUYS! Did you get her then?" a British voice boomed and I spun around to see none other than prince Harry himself. I died and went to heaven right then.

As i was too busy mind raping the boys i saw a bimbo come out of nowhere she looked like she was gonna murder me, i then realised why... i was leaning on her bright pink convertible talk about hurting my eyes. as if her fake boobs werent enough! And that's when my mini adventure with 'The Assasin boys' started.

"BITCH YOU BEST BE GETTING OFF MY BABY!" Lana yelled and I rolled my eyes, all of boys except Prince Harry and Trey were smirking and muttered something like "Cat fight," and "girl on girl action" I didn't mind cause I faced of Raven from xmen(A/N AMAZING MOVIE xD)  for Petes sake!

She didnt know who she was messing with. I mean I'm a fucking mutant and proud!! Haa i put on my best ninja moves and got ready to fight! i was just about to punch her plastic face when i heard a loud yell!

 ''Guys its Alice Cullen! what?! how could this happen?! And i even had on the best disguise, i was dressed up as Edward cullen, yes very orignal! I know, i know. BUT I WAS SO MUCH HOTTER!

Lana sneered at me and either one of my hands were grabbed by one of the guys, DK being one of them Milo being the other. But I was so not complaining.

Until reality hit me, how was i supposed to fight her like this?!

'Yo losers let me go' I yelled to the boys.

 'Lemme show this bitch what she'll never afford'

'Hey i got the fake boobs before you did, so look who's talking!' She shot back

 "BITCH FIGHT!" Christein and Milo yelled,

"OI! Quit it!" Trey and Harry chorused. DK just started praying to the Lord. I looked at him like he was crazy.

 " Dude I know you wanna be a priest and all but don't you think we should leave Jesus out of this one??" I asked

" WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I WANNA BECOME A PRIEST?! IS IT SO HARD FOR ME TO PRAY WITHOUT BEING JUDGED?!" He yelled, his facing turning a darker shade of purple by the second,

Haha it was fun watching him squirm.

 ''AAAWW! wittle DK is just so adowable!'' I cooed and pinched his cheeks causing Milo and Christen to snicker.

"Can we just go home?" we heard Trey asking, he looked bored.

"Awww someone's missing Lei beybeeeeeeeeee!!" We heard Milo squeal.

" Stop messing around Milo" Trey said through gritted teeth, trying his best not to look angry but he failed miserably.

" Go die in hell you son of a-''

" SHE'S GETTING AWAY!!" Prince harry yelled as I ran away. Screw him and his hotness!! Gahhhh

They all ran after me as I escaped and walked into a tree ( A/N this has happened and trust us it aint good :/ haha it was awesome :D)

Could this day get any worse?


BIG THANK YOU TO Dee_2770 for letting us use her awesome characters :D

enjoyyyy :)

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