Mess with my chanel dress? Oh now it's ON!

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OKAY PEOPLE! jazi here first of all U SPACE NINJAS ROCK MY FUDGE COVERED SOCKS!!!! LIKE SERIOUSLYYYYYYY!!! luv u monkeys sssooooo much!!! xxx vote some more read some more and fan some more? luv u and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *go 2011 its ur bday* okay here it is!


Previously we learned...

Bella and Edward had a "moment"

Bella is a serious PERV!

So are all of you ;)

Nessie is growing up AAWWWW

Nessie's P.O.V

Oh Lord. WHY me? WHY? WHY? WHY? WH-

*Narrator*- Um hey? yeah we are sorta on a tight schedule so could you please? Oh idk. HURRY IT UP!

Gosh isn't anyone nice nowadays? Seriously?

Anyways it was pissing me off how over protective dad was being, how clingy Jake was, and how much of an selfish immature bitch mom was! I looked at aunty Alice, the ONLY person i could actually talk to, she nodded her head and i cleared my throat.

"I'm in love with Malfoy"

Silence. Stares. And uncle Emmett burping, mood killer.

Malfoy gave me a "What the hell!?" expression but i ignored him. Which was hard to do seeing as he almost molested me. Dad looked like he was about to have a cat, dog, and a whole frigging barn.

"You're joking right?" He said, Jake was sobbing in the corner. That was SO like him urgh. Mom was picking at her nail (again immature and selfish!) the others were backing away, chickens.

"Alice. Do you know anything about this?" I could tell he was reading her mind, OMG HE'S SUCH A STALKER! Alice was giving of some err crude visions and I laughed.

She literally skipped over and grabbed his ear before whispering in it.

 "Everyone out." Dad said, jeez da-ra-ma. Everyone began to leave until he stopped me, Malfoy, mom, and Alice.

This outta be fun. Not.

"But I didn't do anythinggggg," mom and aunty Alice whined, jeez and I thought I was the baby.

"Nes you are really in love with...HIM" he said "HIM" as if he'd be awarded a grammy for the person who over-exaggerates alot,

"Yes father of mine Lord-knows-how. You can be gay with a thing and I can be in love with this hunk right here," I held Malfoy's hand and he looked at me nearly trembling.

"Shut-up and look like you're in love not like you found out Justin Bieber is really a girl." I snapped in a low tone,

 "WHAT!? JUSTIN IS A G-" mom began but I threw a cinnamon bun at her,

"O THAT you here!!! Put a sock in it will ya!?"

Soon enough she threw a magazine on me that was full of glitter, it went all over my chanel dress.

Silence, "Oh now IT'S ON!"


Malfoy's P.O.V

She said I LOVE her!? Okay yes she is attractive but love?! That was not part of our deal. And now her daddy's going to bust me.

Nothing a little magic can't fix but still, the Voldie is in love with HIM! How can he be? It's unbelievable!

But if i want revenge what better way to than using his daughter? Plus it'll finally get the other deatheaters of my back about being gay, it's a win-win situation!

Suddenly someone began to scream

"EVERY ABNORMAL CREATURE FOR THEMSELVES!" Nessie as they call her yelled before a number of items flew in the air. OH MY GOD! IS THAT BODY SHOP LIPGLOSS!? EEEKKK

NO! I am on a mission! Suddenly a hand grabbed mine, ooo it's soft I have got to fi- EDWARD!? What in the chanel? Someone-else grabbed my other hand i saw Nessie.

"Let. Go. Dad" she yanked, he yanked aswell. Soon enough it was a tug-of-war.

 "Hey, hey ,hey! That hurts!" Gayward let go and Nessie pulled me out the window, I swear I thought I was gonna die! But outta nowhere came a flying...carridge?

I looked at her and she just smiled like a pyscopath before saying

"Hang on British boy,"

Oh. My. God. We were flying through the air, I hated being on a broom now i was on a flipping CARRIDGE! WHO AM I CINDER FLIPPING ELLA!? IN A GUY VERSION!?

"YOU ARE CRAZY! FIRST YOU YELL GOD KNOWS WHY THEN YOU START A FIGHT THEN YOU THROW OUT OF A FLIPPING WINDOW T-" she clapsed her hand around my mouth, and i stared at her, wow her skin was pretty tan for a half vampire. I so needed to find out if she used any product on her skin, hey a wizard needs to look after his skin!

She raised her prefectly threaded eyebrow before saying,

"Okay lover boy listen up this is the plan......"


muahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha im evil :)

uh despicable me :) I loveee that movieeee :)

anywayzs u know the drillll

badabingbadaboom! wadya think tink? ;) kinda short i knowwww

oh BTW check out broken, not beaten k thanksss

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