Chaptet 1

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"I'm sorry.. but my dad says we have to leave!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

"But... you said.." he started, not being able to finishing his sentence as tears began to fall from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Gaara! I really wanted to stay with you and have more fun times.."

"Will... will we still be friends?" he asked doing his best to hide his tears as his eyes locked with mine.

I only felt more tears leave my eyes as I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Of course we will." I whispered as I held him tight.

I felt his grip on me tighten.

"Promise me...promise me you'll come back for me?" he whispered as pulled away, his piercing blue eyes boring right into mine.

"I promise. No matter how long it takes, I won't forget you. And I will come back for you."

---end of flashback---

I felt a tear slip down my cheek at the memory.

I miss Gaara. Not a day goes by when I don't think about him. I wonder if he remembers that promise.. Does he even remember me? I don't know.

I quickly wiped away my tear, grabbing my sword as I made my way out of my apartment and to the training field.

I better not be late, I don't want to give the others anything to complain about.


I sighed as I jumped from roof top to roof top.

It's a lot different here, life in the Hidden Mist Village. I mean it's not like I have no friends, I'm basically friends with everyone and I'm close with my team but... I still haven't got as close with anyone as I did with Gaara.

But that doesn't matter, I'm still going to see him again soon. It might even be in a few days, since we have the Chūnin exams. Perhaps-

"Hey Kiyomi!" grinned Rei as he saw me.

Rei, he was the only guy in my team. He had short dark brown hair that spiked up slightly, light brown eyes and a pretty good body build. He wore baggy black pants, a grey singlet. His shirken holder on his left leg since he's left handed, fingerless gloves and his ninja headband around his forehead.

"Bout time you got here," smirked Akari.

Akari is my other team member, she has long black hair that reaches her waist, sparkling blue eyes that really are beautiful. She's skinny, not much of a bust but she had curves. She wears a red sleeveless crop top with a high collar showing off her toned stomach. She also wears black pants like Rei with her shirken holder on the right, being right handed. And her ninja headband hangs loosely round her neck.

"Sorry!" I said with a small smile. "I was... busy?"

"Yeah yeah we all know you suck at excuses," laughed Rei causing Akari to let a small giggle slip.

"You got that right Rei! She couldn't make up an excuse to save her life!"

"Shut up!" I said playfully punching Akari's arm. "At least it was for something impor-"

"Alright shut up now you three." said a voice behind us who I knew was our Sensei. "You're giving me a headache."

"Ah Sensei you're always like this!" groaned Rei.

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