Chapter 10

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"Not interrupting something am I?" I asked as I walked though the hospital doors only to find Akari leaning over onto Rei, and might I add it looked like she was about to kiss him. 

"Kiyomi!" they both exclaimed as Akari quickly put some distance between here and Rei.

"Oh don't mind me!" I laughed as I put the basket of food on the table. "I just thought I'd tell you guys that I made into the final rounds!"

"Hell yeah!" grinned Akari as she walked over and gave me a high five.

"I knew you'd do it!" smirked Rei.

"Of course!" I laughed.

"So when do you wanna start training?" asked Akari.

"Yeah!" agreed Rei.

"What? Aren't you guys injured?" I asked them.

Akari laughed.

"Oh please, you think a few cuts and burses are going to stop me?" she asked.

"Yeah! We can help you-"

"Shut up Rei." interrupted Mariko-sensei who jumped through the window.

"Sensei!" Akari and I exclaimed as we saw her.

"What do you mean shut up?" asked Rei with a pout.

"Look at you?" said Mariko. "You can't fight for shit!"

Akari and I couldn't help but laugh. This use to happen all the time, us three girls would gang up on Rei and boy would he get pissed!

"Seriously! But I'm the only guy-"

"And the only one badly injured." I added interrupting him.

He sent me a glare but I just giggled.

"Anyways, when do you want to start training?" asked Mariko-sensei, causing them all to turn to me.

"Um... well you see..." I started now feeling very awkward.

"What is it?" asked Akari.

"Well.. I was kinda... gonna train... on my own..."

"On your own?" questioned Akari. "But what about when you need like sparing and stuff?"

"Well.. that’s thing.. um I'm kinda going to look for someone to train me."

"What's wrong with us?" asked Rei.

"Nothing! I love you guys it’s just that... well when my dad was still alive, he talked a lot about this person and said that if I ever went to him, he'd train me."

Shit. That was a bad lie.

"Train you? Just who is this guy?" asked Mariko-sensei.

"That's the thing.. I can't tell you his name..."

Jesus I'm so bad at lies and excuses! I highly doubt they're going to buy this.

"Can't tell us?" questioned Mariko-sensei narrowing her eyes.

"Well, now I fell completely shot down!" said Akari with an awkward laugh.

"Oh I'm really sorry!" I said as I pulled Akari into a hug.

"No it's fine." she said with what I think was a smile as we pulled away. "If it's important to you... and if your dad said.. then it's fine with me!"

"Besides!" I started, "I doubt you'd want to leave Rei's side!"

I watched as she blushed a thousand shades of red while I cracked up laughing.

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