Chapter 9

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Once I'd finally recovered, regaining my composure I left the bathroom only to look in the mirror to find my red eyes looked even redder than normal.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath. "I fucken can't look like I've been crying when I'm supposed to fight a match."

I turned the tap on, placing my hands in the water before splashing it over my face.

I felt the cool water wake me up, make me feel fresh again as I opened my eyes, splashing a bit of water in them, freshening them up and taking the redness away. 

Better. I thought with a smile as I dried my face with the towel before checking myself one more time in the mirror.

I brushed through my hair with my hands, making it look a bit better.

Okay. I'm better now. I thought as I gripped the door handle before walking out the bathroom. 


---3rd person---

Once Kiyomi was out, she saw that Gaara's match had finished and he was there, standing next to Temari, while Lee was nowhere in sight.

I don't know what happened to him. She thought. But I hope he is still alive.

"Now," said the proctor. "With the last 3 competitors, one will have to volunteer to wait and fight second."

Kiyomi looked at the last two opponents. 

There was that coward of a Leaf Shinobi, Choji as well as the one from the Sound with bandages around all of his face accept his left eye.

"I volunteer to fight second!" said Choji and before anyone could answer, he jumped back up to the higher level. 

"Well then," started the Sound ninja. "I guess I'll just take you out first."

Kiyomi let out a laugh. 

"Hm? Do I amuse you?" he questioned with a slightly confused tone to his voice. 

"No," Kiyomi said as she regained herself. "I just think its funny how you think you can defeat me."

The Sound nin narrowed his visible eye at her. 

"A bit confident are we?"

"No," she said. "Just stating the truth."

Dosu gave her a glare but she only smiled. 

"Proctor," she said, her eyes never leaving her opponent. "I just want to classify something."

He coughed before speaking.

"What is it?" he asked. 

"I have full permission to kill my opponent, right? Nothing will be held against me?" she asked, her eyes danced with confidence, but not just any confidence, the confidence to kill.

"Yes." said the proctor. "Now, without any further questions, let the match begin!"

Kiyomi just stood there for a moment, observing Dosu, waiting for him to make a move.

Yet, as soon as she saw him slowly lift his right arm, she appeared in front of him, spinning her body to get more strength as she sent her right leg at his face. Dosu seemed shock at her sudden attack but quickly brought up his right arm, stopping the attack from hitting his face.

“You think a mere kick can stop me?” he asked with a smirk.

She didn’t say anything as she moved her right arm so fast, bringing it to her left shoulder, grabbing her sword and swinging it right at him. Dosu could hardly keep up with her movements as he only realised what she was doing when the sword was almost at his throat, he jumped back but not fast enough as the blade slashed deep right across his chest.

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