Chapter 4-Sundown Lyko

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(Pack mansion in picture)

-Third Persons P.O.V-

"What are they called?"

"Sundown lýko, it means Sundown Lupis in Greek. Don't ask me why they chose it."

The pack and friends finally made it to where Derek said that the Hybrid pack lived. He stared at the open plot of land in the woods for a moment before it revealed a large manor.

Everyone got out of the car and followed Derek up the walkway.

No one was outside, but nearly every light inside was on.

Derek rang the doorbell and it was opened by a tall, tanned skin man, who could probably barely pass for a senior in Highschool since he was all muscly.

The man's eyes flashed gold and smiles.

"Derek, welcome again."

"Thank you Damiano."

Derek walked in and the others followed. Damiano sniffed and glared at Allison.

Scott looked around the inside of the large manor.

"Where's your Alpha, we need to talk to him."

"Well if you're expecting a male Alpha darling, you'll be dissapointed."

They all looked up at the banister connecting the stairs to the second floor.

Stood there was a short, young woman, no taller naturally then 5'2. But her combat boots made her 5'4.

She had thick and long dark brown hair that reached the bottom of her back. Her skin was softly tanned with no blemishes and her eyes were a rich red. Showing she was truly an Alpha.

Within seconds she was in front of them, grinning at them all.

She looks at Derek and winks.

"Hello again Cousin."


The girl looks at Stiles and smirks.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?"

She smirks and walks away, Derek simply following.,the others running after.

"Meet my boys. Travis, Kai, Stephen, Jaden, Zay, Connor, and Reid. You've already met Damiano. and please meet my right hand, Lucy."

A girl with short black and red hair stood now in front of us. She was slightly taller than the Alpha. All of the guys were like 6' or higher. She was obviously of Mexican descent and her eyes shone gold.

She stared at Derek and smirked a bit.

"And I am Freya."

Derek coughed and said Cass under his breath and she growled.

"Why'd he say Cass?"

Freya huffed and looked at Scott.

"That's my biological name."

They only stayed for a little longer before leaving.

-Time Skip/After they left-

-Third Persons P.O.V-

The Sundown lýko pack gathered around outside, a young man who had pale skin was laid on a bale of hay.

Freya walked up and shut his glazed over eyes with a shaky breath, touching his cheek for a moment before her hand wrapped around the pendant shown around his neck and ripping it off, walking to the others.

Reid and Jaden both threw fire onto the dead body and the pack watched as the body burned.

Freya tucked away the necklace with the pendant in a book, four or five other ends of necklaces showing from the top.

Lucy looked at her.

"Whats your plan?"

Freya's eyes flashed red as she watched the body light up in flames.

"Kill the hunters who did this to Vincent, and make them pay."

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