Step Away

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HI GUYS as I promised this week I am going to upload more chapters since I made a week or so without uploading anything and let's get started

(Y/N) P.O.V

While me and Shadow were walking I felt someone was watching but not a good someone "Hey (Y/N) can you wait here? I'm soon coming." Shadow told me "Yea sure" I said. He left and I just sat with my back against the wall I had so many thoughts going trough my mind I need to be careful he doesn't piss me off sometimes but I can't let him do that twice as much or I would explode and go out of control. "Hello again" someone called out to me "Scrouge" I said showing my theeth with anger "You don't need to get all steamy honey because you are coming with me" he said grabbing my hand, I removed his hand from mine by biting him "It ain't that easy and no" I said turning away "Oh really?" When he said that there was a black patch of black smoke I backed away and I was shocked to see who it was "Mephiles......" of course Scrouge is working for him "Hello again (Y/N)..." he said with a low, devilish voice Scrouge grabbed me from behind "Hey let me go!!" I shouted "As you said it ain't that easy" he said biting me on my neck. I hope Shadow comes soon "Now where were we?" Scrouge said smirking. I felt my body in control of someone I couldn't move it I felt like it was for nothing "SHADOW!!" is all I could say I couldn't talk anymore but Shadow appeared from behind the wall were I was before "HEY LET HER GO!!" Shadow said punching Mephelis because of that he lost the control over me so I managed to kick Scrouge from behind he fell to the ground in pain I turn around to see Shadow bleeding from his arm my (Y/H/C) was turning into flames my (Y/E/C) turned into sparks of lightning this was what I didn't want Shadow to see "Step back Shadow" I said ready to use my power "What no I can't " Shadow said "I SAID STEP BACK" I said shouting with that he backed away slowly "NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE HURTS SHADOW OR THIS WILL HAPPEN........CHAOS BLAST" with that a 10 metre radius of a blast shot Scrouge and Mephiles away but it won't be so long until they come back "I.....need....moonlight......" I said begging for energy with that Shadow lifted me up bridel style and skated to the same spot from were I got my energy he laid me down and I started to regain energy "Thanks Shadow......hey what's wrong?" I said he turned to look at me in surprise "I didn't know you had the same Chaos Blast that I did" he said looking at me straight in my eyes does Ruby red eyes just sparkled so much they are so amazing..... I snapped back to my senses "Well Proffeser Gerald created me so I guess that's from were I got this power" Shadow just stared at me "Wait do you know who Maria is....." he said coming closer "Yea I do and there was this other hedgehog which looked excectly like you and his name....... was.....Shadow....." we stared at each other he hugged me "I thought you died on the ARK as well....." I hugged him back seeing that he was relieved "Lets go back home Shadow" he nodded to me and we left to our house hand in hand
.......who knew that it was him.....

WELL GUYS HOPE YOU LIKED THIS I'll try to upload something tomorrow if I can't the next day probably Anyway until then cya guys

Shadow The Hedgehog x reader(The Stare of a Hedgehog)Where stories live. Discover now